Kinematics of Rigid Bodies

Example Problems

Plane Motion
Rotation About a Fixed Axis
Problem 001 Problem 002 Problem 004 Problem 007 Problem 010 Problem 011
Problem 013 Problem 014 Problem 016 Problem 018 Problem 021  
General Plane Motion
  Absolute Motion Analysis
Problem 023 Problem 024 Problem 025 Problem 026 Problem 027 Problem 029
  Relative Velocity
Problem 043 using absolute motion analysis Problem 043 using relative velocity Problem 045 Problem 048
Problem 050 Problem 052 Problem 053 Problem 054
Problem 055 Problem 057 Problem 058  
  Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity
Problem 071 Problem 074 Problem 076 Problem 079 Problem 080 Problem 082
Problem 084 Problem 085 Problem 086 Problem 089 Problem 090  
  Relative Acceleration
Problem 095 Problem 098 Problem 100 Problem 102 Problem 103
Problem 104 Problem 105 Problem 107 Problem 108  
Motion Relative to Rotating Axes - skipped
Three-Dimensional Motion of a Rigid Body - skipped
Review Problems
Problem 159 Problem 166