Kinetics of Rigid Bodies: Newton's Laws

Example Problems

Equations of PlaneMotion
Moments and Products of Inertia
Translation, Rotation, and General Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies
Problem 001 Problem 002 Problem 003 Problem 004 Problem 005 Problem 009
Problem 010 Problem 011 Problem 014 Problem 015 Problem 016 Problem 017
  Fixed-Axis Rotation
Problem 027 numerically Problem 027 symbolically Problem 028 Problem 030 Problem 031
Problem 034 Problem 035 Problem 036 Problem 037 Problem 039
  General Plane Motion of Symmetric Bodies
Problem 051 Problem 052 Problem 053 Problem 054 Problem 055
Problem 061 Problem 062 Problem 071 Problem 079  
  General Plane Motion of Nonsymmetric Bodies - skipped
Three-Dimensional Motion of a Rigid Body - skipped
D'Alembert's Principle - Reversed Effective Forces - skipped
Review Problems
Problem 116 Problem 118 Interesting Tension Problem