Conor Watkins And J. David Rogers
Colorado Plateau Research
Landslippage Near Colorado City, AZ

Several significant landslides have also been recongnized near Colorado City, AZ.  The formations comprising the escarpment are the same as those at the Vermilion Cliffs near House Rock and Marble Canyon.  There are not nearly as many slides at this location because the Chine Shale is not exposed. The cliffs north of Colorado City are called Caanan Mountain by some.

The cliffs north of Colorado City, AZ resemble the Vermilion Cliffs near House Rock and Marble Canyon from a distance.

As one gets closer, it becomes apparent that the cliffs behind Colorado City, AZ do not have nearly as many large landslides as the Vermilion Cliffs.  Some small slides are visible in this picture.

The largest slide identified along this set of cliffs is located west of Colorado City along Arizona Highway 389.  It is a large complex slide and resembles many along the Vermilion Cliffs.

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E-mail Dr. J David Rogers at
or Conor Watkins at