J. David Rogers and Katrinka R. Guy were married on Saturday June 12,
1982 in Moraga, California. We planned everything except what
to do with Dave’s Jeep. We ended up driving away from the
church in our own respective vehicles!

Our honeymoon began with a 2-day airshow at Naval Air Station Lemoore.
Here I am chatting with Pappy Boyington while he signs a book for me.

We went backpacking in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks for our
Trinka said she’d go anywhere with me, so long as there weren’t
any bears. I laughed at her, telling her bears only hung out in
Tuolumne Meadows, where all the tourists are. We shouldn’t
see any in the remote backcountry….

The Paradise Valley loop offered a beautiful array of scenery, including
fern glens like this

Our near-constant companion during three days of backpacking in Paradise
Valley was this brown bear, which we nick-named “Ralph”.
He seemed enamored with Trinka and followed us everywhere!

Our camp in upper Paradise Valley, at confluence of Woods Creek
and the Kings River. Ralph the bear managed to steal everyone
else’s food but ours at this camp. Dave constructed a secure
bear bait bag, 25 feet high between two sturdy trees.
Trinka looked radiant even after three days on the trail! I snapped
this after our morning coffee at 7,100 feet elevation along South Fork
of the Kings River.

This is where Ralph the bear gave up following us: at Mist Falls, where
the Kings River begins dropping from its hanging valley into the glaciated
canyon below. While walking down the falls and back to our camper
we memorized our life verse, 1 Thessaelonians 5:18
always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is
God’s will for you in Christ Jesus
Th 5:18
or comments on this page?
E-mail Dr. J David Rogers at rogersda@mst.edu.
