39. 2305799: The Lake Izabal Basin Research Endeavor (LIBRE) Project -
Planning Activities to Guarantee Success of a Continental Scientific Drilling Project,
National Science Foundation, $183,720,
Duration: 08/01/2023 -- 07/31/2025.
Number of investigators: 4. Steve's role: Co-PI.
38. OAC-1919789: Acquisition of a Supercomputer to Enable Advanced Computational Science
and Engineering Research and Education in Missouri,
National Science Foundation, $1,960,000 (plus $840,000 S&T matching),
Duration: 10/1/2019 -- 9/30/2021.
Number of investigators: 4. Steve's role: Co-PI.
37. Building Research Capacity for Geospatial-Enabled Data-Driven Discoveries (GED3),
University of Missouri System, $??,
Duration: ??.
Number of investigators: 7. Steve's role: co-PI.
36. LIBRE - Lake Izabal Basin Research Endeavor,
International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, $52,000.
Duration: 6/1/2019-5/31/2022.
Number of investigators: 4. Steve's role: co-PI.
35. PRF-60281-ND8:
Crustal Structure and Subsidence of the Williston Basin: Constraints from
Modeling of Gravity Data.
American Chemical Society, $110,000.
Duration: 7/1/2019-8/31/2021.
Number of investigators: 1. Steve's role: PI.
(Note: "Acknowledgment is made to the donors of The American Chemical Society Petroleum
Research Fund for support (or partial support) of this research")
34. EAR-1830644:
Investigating the Pervasiveness of Complex Seismic Anisotropy and
Its Origin beneath Continents.
National Science Foundation, $211,946.
Duration: 8/1/2018 -- 7/31/2021.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: Co-PI.
33. EAR-1460516: Collaborative Research:
Shear-wave Splitting and Mantle Dynamics of the North American Plate,
National Science Foundation, $191,512.
Duration: 7/1/2015 -- 2/28/2018.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: Co-PI.
32. EAR-1321656:
Upgrade of Geophysics Computing Facilities at Missouri University of
Science and Technology,
National Science Foundation, $74,209.
Duration: 1/1/2014 -- 12/31/2014.
Number of investigators: 3. Steve's role: PI.
31. A Joint Study of Geology and Subsurface Structure beneath Libya,
Benghazi University, $69,194. Duration: 10/01/2012-09/30/2014.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: Co-PI.
30. A Uniform and Comprehensive Shear-wave
Splitting Data Set for North America:
Western and Central United States,
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, $25,000.
Duration: 7/15/2013 -- 6/30/2014.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: Co-PI.
29. Comprehensive analyses of broadband seismic
data recorded in the Afar Depression, Ethiopia,
Statoil , $451,684.
Duration: 10/1/2012 -- 3/30/2015.
Number of investigators: 3. Steve's role: PI.
28a. EAR-1009946: Collaborative research: Integrated studies of early stages of
continental extension: From incipient (Okavango) to young (Malawi) rifts,
National Science Foundation, $928,435.
Duration: 5/1/2011 -- 10/31/2015.
Number of investigators: 4. Steve's role: PI.
28b. EAR-1266737: Supplement to the passive source seismic component of
"Collaborative research: Integrated studies of early stages of
continental extension: From incipient (Okavango) to young (Malawi) rifts",
National Science Foundation, $127,726.
Duration: 1/1/2013 -- 10/31/2015.
Number of investigators: 1. Steve's role: PI.
27. Detection of Hidden Impact Craters Using Receiver Functions,
University of Missouri Research Board, $24,000.
Duration: 06-01-2011 -- 05-31-2012.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: PI.
26. Four-dimensional anatomy of continental rifts transitioning into
sea floor spreading,
Statoil, $309,312.
Duration: 02-01-2011 -- 12-31-2013.
Number of investigators: 3. Steve's role: co-PI.
25. Kingdom Suite Seismic Interpretation System Site Licenses,
Seismic Micro-Tech, $4,681,425.
Duration: 01-01-2011 -- 12-31-2013.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: co-PI.
24. EAR-0952064: Mantle Anisotropic Structure and Dynamics Beneath the Western United
States: Constraints from Shear-Wave Splitting Analysis,
National Science Foundation, $185,885.
Duration: 4/1/2010 -- 3/31/2013.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: co-PI.
23. PRF-49600-ND8: Spatial and temporal variations of crustal deformation in
the Afar Depression: Constraints from Radar Interferometry,
American Chemical Society, $100,000.
Duration: 01-01-2010 -- 8-31-2012.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: PI.
22. EAR-0911346: Significant and complex seismic anisotropy beneath the
Himalayas and the southern Tibetan Plateau,
National Science Foundation, $124,341.
Duration: 07-15-2009 -- 06/30/2011.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: co-PI.
21. EAR-0756393: Reconstructing the Geological History of the Egyptian Nile,
National Science Foundation, $149,817.
Duration: 04-01-2008 -- 03-31-2011.
Number of investigators: 4. Steve's role: co-PI.
20. Four-dimensional anatomy of continental
rifts transitioning into
sea floor spreading,
StatioHydro ASA, $430,775.
Duration: 04-01-2008 -- 03-31-2011.
Number of investigators: 3. Steve's role: co-PI.
19. Kingdom Suite Seismic Interpretation System Site Licenses,
Seismic Micro-Tech, $1,909,200.00.
Duration: 03-15-2008 -- 05-14-2011.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: co-PI.
18. USArray siting for Missouri and southern Iowa,
National Science Foundation (via IRIS) , $60,200.
Duration: 05-01-2009 -- 10-31-2009.
Number of investigators: 1. Steve's role: PI.
17. Central Plains EarthScope Partnership (CPEP),
IRIS, $7,820.00.
Duration: 01-01-2008 -- 09-30-2008.
Number of investigators: 1. Steve's role: PI.
16. A systematic shear-wave splitting measurement procedure,
University of Missouri Research Board, $21,000.00.
Duration: 01-01-2007 -- 12-31-2007.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: co-PI.
15. EAR-0703359: Continental Crustal Composition and Evolution: Constraints from
RF studies,
National Science Foundation, $17,232.00.
Duration: 08-24-2006 -- 12-31-2007.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: PI.
14. EAR-0509801: Establishing a Geophysical Test Site on the KSU campus,
National Science Foundation (via Kansas EPSCoR), $16,896.
Duration: 06-01-2005 -- 03-31-2006.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: PI.
13. DUE-0509801: Establishing a Geophysical Test Site,
National Science Foundation, $74,996.
Duration: 09-15-2005 -- 09-14-2008.
Number of investigators: 4. Steve's role: PI.
12. An interactive computer tutorial to investigate the link between
mineral preferred orientation and seismic anisotropy,
National Science Foundation (via Kansas EPSCoR), $70,399.
Duration: 06-01-2005 -- 03-31-2006.
Number of investigators: 4. Steve's role: co-PI.
11. DUE-0125401: Acquisition of Geophysical Computing Equipment,
National Science Foundation, $41,355.
Duration: 02-01-2005 -- 01-31-2006.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: PI.
10. Supplement to Continental Crustal Composition and Evolution:
Constraints from Receiver Function Analysis,
National Science Foundation, $53,441.
Duration: 01-01-2005 -- 12-31-2007.
Number of investigators: 3. Steve's role: PI.
9. EAR-0440320: Continental Crustal Composition and Evolution:
Constraints from Receiver Function Analysis,
National Science Foundation, $97,892.
Duration: 01-01-2005 -- 12-31-2007.
Number of investigators: 3. Steve's role: PI.
8. EAR-0207466: Geophysical Searching of Unexploded Ordnance beneath the
proposed State Veteran's Cemetery site,
KS Commission of Veteran's Affairs, $23,489.
Duration: 08-01-2003 -- 06-30-2004.
Number of investigators: 1. Steve's role: PI.
7. Searching for Seismic Discontinuities in the Lower Mantle
Using Broadband Seismic Data,
National Science Foundation, $186,108.
Duration: 06-01-2002 -- 05-30-2005.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: co-PI.
6. EAR-0208378: USArray and the Great Plains: A Pre EARTHSCOPE Workshop Proposal,
National Science Foundation, $33,623.
Duration: 05-01-2002 -- 04-30-2003.
Number of investigators: 4. Steve's role: co-PI.
5. DUE-0125401: Equipment for Undergraduate Field Geophysics Courses,
National Science Foundation, $27,250.
Duration: 12-01-2001 -- 11-30-2002. Steve's role: PI.
Number of investigators: 2
4. EAR-0107055: Seismic Study of Continental Orogenic Zones: The Rocky Mountains and
the Midcontinent Rift,
National Science Foundation, $150,110.
Duration: 05-01-2001 -- 04-30-2003.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: PI.
3. Low Coherent, High Resolution WDR Reflectometry for Fiber Length,
National Science Foundation (via Kansas EPSCoR), $38,937.
Duration: 11-01-2000 -- 10-31-2001.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: co-PI.
2. EAR-0001000: High resolution imaging of mantle discontinuities across South America at
20 degree South,
National Science Foundation, $63,415.
Duration: 06-01-2000 -- 05-31-2002.
Number of investigators: 2. Steve's role: co-PI.
1. A Portable Seismic Experiment Across Northeast Kansas,
National Science Foundation (via Kansas EPSCoR),
Duration: 02-01-2000 - 04-30-2001.
Number of investigators: 1. Steve's role: PI.
Analysis of additional earthquake data in
China to extend the scope of an National Science Foundation-funded
project; 7/2005 -- 06/2006; KSU USRG (University Small Research Grants);
Geoscience Field Investigation for Teachers; 02/2002 -- 10/2002;
Kansas Collaboration for Excellence in the Preparation of Teachers (KCEPT),
via a subaward from KSU; $45,000
A Pilot Study of a Sino-US Cooperative Research Project on
Earthquake Prediction;
01/2001 -- 12/2001;
KSU FDA (Faculty Development Awards); $700.
An Expansion of an National Science Foundation-funded Project;
07/2000 -- 06/2001;
KSU USRG; $1,900.
Initiation of Cooperative Studies between the Department of Geology
and the Chinese Geological Society; 01/2000 -- 06/2000;
KSU FDA; $1,500.
Construction of a Permanent Seismic Station on the KSU Campus;
07/2001 -- 06/2002; KSU USRG; $3,000.
Purchasing of a magnetometer for the pilot study of Riley
County's kimberlites;
10/1999 -- 06/2000; KSU USRG; $2,000.
Purchasing of a Unix Workstation for the Operation
of a Permanent Seismic Station on the Konza Prairie;
12/2001 -- 06/2002; KSU USRG; $2,500.
Solving the mystery of moving rocks in Death Valley,
4/2002 -- 06/2003; KSU USRG; $2,500.