Geology and Geophysics Faculty Research Field: Version 2

Environmental Geochemistry

Elliot Atekwana, Adjunct professor
David Wronkiewicz, Associate Professor

Faculty in other UMR units


Recent and current graduate students

Representative Publications

Sedimentology/Paleontology/Petroleum Exploration

Bob Laudon, Professor and Department Chair
Kelly Liu, Associate Professor
Franca Oboh-Ikuenobe, Professor and Geology/Geophysics Program Head

Faculty in other UMR units


Recent and current graduate students

Representative Publications

Geophysics/Seismology/Tectonics/Remote sensing

Mohamed Abdelsalam, Associate Professor
Estella Atekwana, Adjunct Professor
Steve Gao , Associate Professor
John Hogan, Associate Professor
Kelly Liu , Associcate Professor

Faculty in other UMR units


Recent and current graduate students

Representative Publications


John Hogan, Associate Professor
David Wronkiewicz, Associate Professor

Faculty in other UMR units


Recent and current graduate students

Representative Publications