1. Undergraduate Level
*51 (Geology) Intro To Physical Geology
*52 (Geology) Evolution Of The Earth
73 (Computer Science) Basic Scientific Programming
*113 (Geology) Mineralogy And Crystallography
*130 (Geology) Igneous And Metamorphic Petrology
201 Special Topics
*201 Introduction To Geophysics
212 (Mechanical Engineering) Introductory Finite Element Analysis
*220 (Geology) Structural Geology
*223 (Geology) Stratigraphy And Sedimentation
228 (Computer Science) Introduction To Numerical Methods
232 (Petroleum Engineering) Well Logging
235 (Geological Engineering) Environmental Geoscience
248 (GE) Fundamentals Of Geographic Information Systems
*275 (Geology) Introduction To Geochemistry
275 (GE) geomorphology And Terrain Analysis
285 Geophysical Imaging
286 Introduction To Geophysical Data Analysis
required courses for a B.S. in Geology & Geophysics
2. Undergraduate-Graduate level
300 Special Problems
301 Special Topics
301 Computational Geophysics
305 (Geology) Hydrogeology
311 (Mech Eng) Introduction To Continuum Mechanics
316 (Civil Engineering) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
321 Potential Field Theory
325 (Math) Partial Differential Equations
331 (GE) Subsurface Hydrology
331 (Mining Engineering) Rock Mechanics
332 (Geology) Depositional Systems
338 (Geology) Computer Mapping In Geology
336 Geophysical Field Methods
340 (Geology) Petroleum Geology
341 (Electrical Engineering) Digital Signal Processing
*344 (GE) Remote Sensing Technology
346 (GE) Applications of GIS
351 (Math) Introduction To Complex Variables
373 (Geology) Field Geology
380 Seismic Stratigraphy
*381 Global Tectonics
382 Environmental And Engineering Geophysics
383 Electrical Methods In Geophysics
385 Exploration And Development Seismology
386 Wave Propagation
387 Acquisition Of Seismic Data
388 Geophysical Instrumentation
389 Seismic Data Processing
390 Undergraduate Research
required courses for a B.S. in Geology & Geophysics
3. Gradaute Level
400 Special Problems
401 Special Topics
403 (Math) Mathematical Physics
407 (Geology) Environmental Geology
409 (Physics) Classical Mechanics
410 Seminar
415 (GE) Advanced Geostatistics
433 (Geology) Advanced Igneous Petrology
481 Geodynamics
483 Advanced Electrical And Electromagnetic Methds In Geophysical Exp
485 Advanced Seismic Data Processing
486 The Theory Of Elastic Waves
487 Geophysical Inverse Theory
488 Seismic Interpretation
4xx Advanced Seismology
490 Research
493 Oral Examination
495 Continuous Registration
Please contact
Dr. Steve Gao or
Dr. Kelly Liu for questions.