Dealing with GRD files
Example E1: Converting a xyz file into a grd file and plot it using grdimage
Example E2: Converting a xyz file into a grd file, resample it into finer resolution, and plot it using grdimage
Example E3: Converting a xyz file into a grd file, resample it into finer resolution, filter it to get rid of short-wavelength features, and plot it using grdimage
Example E4: Converting a xyz file into a grd file, resample it into finer resolution, produce a gradient file using the grd file, and plot it using grdimage with "shade"
Example E5: Converting a xyz file into a grd file, resample it into finer resolution, produce a gradient file using surface elevation data, and plot it using grdimage with topographic "shade"
Example E6: Converting a xyz file into a grd file, resample it into finer resolution, produce data along a profile using grdtrack, and plot both the cross-section and the map.
Example E7: Converting a xyz file into a grd file, resample it into finer resolution, and plot a 3-D view using grdview