Example A4: Topographic maps
Steps to create a topographic map and add more features on it:
1). logon to the Linux computer
2). make a new directory.
3). cd to this new directory
(Note: if you failed to do steps 2 and 3, your existing
plot.gmt file in the directory where you are going to work,
will be erased).
4). topoimag (and input the required parameters)
5). pico plot.gmt and add an '-K' in the line:
pscoast -R -JM -Df -W2 -Na/1 -O -V >>tmp.ps
6). add more features to the map using "pstext", "psxy" etc.
See steps 2-8 of Example A3 for references.
7). type plot.gmt to execute the GMT commands.
Topographic data sets are in GRD (stands for grid) format.
At this stage, we have installed the following data sets on r42sgao:
etopo5: covers all the globe (land and ocean). The space between
sampling points (i.e., the resolution) is 5 arc-minutes, which
is about 10 km.
This data base is good for plotting large maps (e.g. the
entire U.S. or bigger). For smaller maps, the resolution
might be too low and the results are not pretty enough.
topo2min: covers all the globe except for the areas north of 72N
and south of 72S. The resolution is 2 arc-minutes, which
is about 3 km.
gtopo30: covers the land area of the world only except for the
areas north of 72N and south of 72S. The resolution is 0.5
arc-minutes, which is about 1 km.
dem1: covers the United States. The resolution is 0.05 arc-minutes,
which is about 0.1 km. The problem is that the file is
too large (several gigabytes) so we had to split it into
several patches named block1m.grd, block2m.grd etc ...
As you can see it, it is difficult to determine which file to use
and where to find them on the disks. To solve this problem,
Dr. Kelly Liu wrote a FORTRAN program named topoimag to
automatically create a GMT code for you, based on your input.
It determines the most proper topographic file to use and
for the dem1 case, judge the right patch to use.
Note: For the dem1 (the highest resolution data set), some areas
have no data. Also, if your area covers the boundary
between two patches, you may be in trouble. Talk to S.Gao
or Kelly Liu if your area of interest happens to be in
the trouble-some areas.