Selected Talks at Seminars Given by Steve Gao
10/2019: Stanford University (Talk 1): New insights into the initiation and development of continental rifts: A synthesis of 10 years of geophysical research on the East African Rift System
10/2019: Stanford University (Talk 2): USArray imaging of crustal and mantle structure and anisotropy beneath the contiguous United States
06/2019: Geological Society of China: Structural seismology: exploring the correspondence between surface geological features and heterogeneities in the earth's crust and mantle (invited keynote presentation, Jilin University).
04/2019: University of Texas at Dallas: USArray imaging of mantle layered structure and anisotropy beneath the contiguous United Stated.
07/2018: Shandong Provincial Seismological Bureau: Mantle layering and anisotropy beneath North America
06/2018: China University of Petroleum, Huadong (Graduate student paper-writing workshop): Top 10 most common types of comments from the reviewers and response strategy
06/2018: Ocean University of China: A new model for continental rifting initiation
06/2018: China University of Petroleum, Huadong: Mantle anisotropy and layering beneath the United States: Results from shear wave splitting and receiver function analyses using data recorded by more than 3000 broadband seismic stations
05/2018: China Earthquake Administration: Receiver function imaging of lithospheric and mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath North America
10/2017: Geological Society of America annual meeting invited talk: Crustal and mantle structure and anisotropy beneath the young and incipient segments of the East African Rift System
07/2017: Tongji University (China): 10 years of geophysical research in Africa
07/2017: China University of Petroleum (Huadong): Crustal and mantle structure of the East African Rift System
07/2017: Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration: Crustal structure of the New Madrid seismic zone in Missouri
07/2017: Northeast China Petroleum University: Writing scientific papers
07/2017: Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration
06/2017: Southern University of Science and Technology: Ten years of adventure in the East African Rift System: Testing the rifting models
04/2017: University of Kansas: Initiation and early-stage development of continental rifts: Insights from the Okavango and Malawi Rift
01/2017: Missouri S&T Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center: Computing intensive geophysical characterization of rocks in the Earth's crust and mantle
06/2016: Wuhan University (China): Results from the Seismic Arrays For African Rift Initiation (SAFARI) Project
06/2016: Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration: Seismological Investigations of the non-volcanic segments of the East African Rift System
06/2016: Northeast China Petroleum University: Graduate study education in the United States
06/2016: Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences: Crustal and mantle seismic anisotropy beneath the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas from shear-wave splitting analyses
06/2016: China University of Petroleum, Huadong: Some advance on applying for graduate schools abroad
08/2015: Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) at Missouri S&T: Have a successful time at Missouri S&T
07/2015: Sichuan Provincial Seismological Bureau: Frequency-magnitude distribution of earthquakes in Japan and Alaska
02/2015: Faculty adviser's address at the Chinese New Year Performance: Summary of activities and New Year's wishes
10/2014: Intensive English Program at Missouri S&T: Some common characteristics of outstanding international students
08/2014: Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) at Missouri S&T: A few pieces of personal advice: For your success
07/2014: Sichuan Earthquake Bureau, China
07/2014: Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration
06/2014: China University of Petroleum, Huadong: Seismological research at Missouri S&T
06/2014: Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS
04/2014: Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri: Earthquakes, earthquake prediction and earthquake hazard in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
09/2013: Missouri S&T IT Research Conference: Computational Seismology-Investigation of earthquakes and Earth's deep structure using seismic waves
08/2013: Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) at Missouri S&T: Maximizing the output of your time at Missouri S&T-Some personal advice
03/2013: University of California, Los Angeles: Recent seismological and geomagnetic investigations of the East African Rift System
10/2012: Missouri S&T departmental seminar: Seismic arrays for African rift initiation
04/2012: Rolla Boy Scouts (through invitation by Dr. Jerry Rupert): Earthquakes and seismology
03/2012: Oklahoma State University: Quantifying seismic anisotropy using shear wave splitting: Applications in deep earth and hydrocarbon explorations
09/2011: Missouri S&T IT Research Conference: Data-intensive computing at the geophysics group, Missouri S&T
08/2011: First meeting of 2+2 transfer students: Welcome, 2+2 students!
08/2011: Meeting of geology and geophysics graduate students: Common characteristics of a successful graduate student, and how to become a successful graduate student
05/2011: Presentation to the visiting delegate of China University of Geosciences: Geology and Geophysics teaching and research at Missouri S&T
09/2010: Missouri S&T Geology and Geophysics Advisory Board annual meeting: Unsolved problems in geology and geophysics
08/2010: Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) at Missouri S&T: Introducing Missouri S&T and the City of Rolla
07/2010: Peking University, Beijing, China: Geophysical investigations of the Afar Depression, Ethiopia
04/2010: Missouri S&T departmental seminar & public lecture: Earthquake prediction, recent big earthquakes, and the apparent increase in seismic activities over the past 15 years
12/2009: Ethiopian Geological Survey: Seismic anisotropy and mantle deformation in the East African Rift
06/2009: China Petroleum University-Huadong: Seismic studies of continental rifting
05/2009: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Seismological investigations of the Earth's crust and mantle beneath the Baikal Rift Zone and adjacent areas
05/2009: University of Minnesota (IRIS USArray siting workshop): Seismology overview
10/2008: Missouri State University: Seismological investigation of the Earth's crust and mantle beneath the Baikal Rift Zone and adjacent areas
11/2007: East-central College Visit to Missouri University of Science and Technology: Emphasis areas in the Geology and Geophysics Program
10/2007: University of Texas at Dallas: Seismological investigation of southern African crustal evolution and composition
09/2007: University of Missouri-Columbia: Seismological investigation of southern African crustal evolution and composition
07/2006: China Earthquake Administration: Receiver function studies of earth's layered structure
07/2006: First Oceanographic Institute, Qingdao, China: Seismological studies of crustal structure beneath the Kaapvaal craton
07/2006: China University of Oceanography: Seismic anisotropy and mantle flow beneath continental rifts
06/2006: China University of Science and Technology: Study of the earth's crust and mantle using receiver functions
06/2006: TongJi University, China: Current advances in earthquake seismology
05/2006: University of Missouri-Rolla: Seismological investigation of southern African crustal evolution and composition
01/2006: Kansas State University: Seismology and seismic exploration of the Earth's structure R
04/2005: Bergman Elementary School (Manhattan, Kansas): Geology and Geologists
04/2005: Kansas Geological Society (Wichita): Earthquakes and earthquake monitoring facilities in Kansas
09/2004: Kansas State University Advisory Council: Geophysics and geophysical teaching and research at K-State
02/2004: Kansas State University: Seafloor asymmetry in the Atlantic Ocean
10/2003: Williston Geology club (K-State): Recent advances in global geophysics
01/2002: Manhattan (Kansas) Project Impact: Earthquakes in Northeast Kansas: Facts and Unknowns
11/2001: Kansas State University: Seismological investigations of the Rocky Mountains
09/2001: University of Kansas: Possible influence of atmospheric pressure on the occurrence of earthquakes
09/2001: Kansas Geological Society (Wichita): Surface deformation and earthquake activity
08/2001: Peking University: Southern African crustal structure and composition from receiver functions
08/2001: China Seismological Bureau: Shear wave splitting beneath continental rifts
03/2000: University of Missouri, Kansas City: Geology and Geophysics of the Baikal Rift Zone, Siberia
01/2000: Iowa State University: Localized amplification of earthquake energy and earthquake damage patterns
10/1999: Kansas State University Geology Advisory Council: Imaging mantle structure using seismic tomography
02/1999: Arizona State University: Annual modulation of earthquake activity
02/1999: University of Puerto Rico: Seismic anisotropy and mantle flow beneath continental rifts
01/1999: Kansas State University: Exploring the Earth's deep interior using passive-source seismology
12/1998: American Geophysical Union fall meeting invited talk: Seismic structure and tectonics of southern Africa - progress report
04/1998: University of California, Los Angeles: Analysis of deformation data in Parkfield, California
02/1998: Exxon Production Research: Crustal and mantle velocity structure of the Baikal Rift
02/1998: Arizona State University: Seismic studies of continental rifts
10/1996: Carnegie Institution of Washington: Seismic anisotropy and mantle deformation beneath continental rifts
07/1995: University of Southern California: Focusing of elastic wave energy by a geological lens
03/1995: California Institute of Technology: Seismological investigations of the Baikal Rift Zone, Siberia