Teacher: Dr. Shrestha

Materials for class (5)


Take examination (4) on materials from Chapters (7) and (8)
Learn materials from Chapters (9) and (10)
Lecture and Lab

A table showing sales by sport and a 3D graph displaying sale volume created by using EXCEL
Show your progress on the article on "Photon"

Exercises based on your visit to following websites:









Web site - http://www.mhhe.com/it/oleary/exercise.mhtml


Read and review materials from Chapters (9) and (10)
Test (5) on these materials next class
Use ACCESS to prepare a database

Save days' work in your diskette !






Multimedia or hypermedia integrates all sorts of media into an interactive presentation. A multimedia presentation is organized by pages of related information. Pages are linked or connected by buttons.

Tools for creating multimedia applications:

STORY BOARDS - design tools to record the intended overall logic, flow, and structure of a multimedia presentation. Individual story boards specify links, content, style, and design of each display.

AUTHORING PROGRAMS - software to creat multimedia presentations. They bring together all the video, audio, graphics, and text elements into an interactive framework.


Creating Web sites is called Web authoring. It begins with Web site design followed by creating HTML documents to display the Web site content.

Web Site Design

Graphical maps present overall Web site design. The home page presents overall content. Links connect related Web pages.

Web Authoring Programs

Web sites can be created using a simple text editor or word processor. Web authoring programs provide for Web site design and HTML coding.


Professionals in graphic arts use advanced graphics programs. Three of these graphics programs are:

DESKTOP PUBLISHERS - mix text and graphics to create professional publications.
IMAGE EDITORS - also known as paint programs, create and modify bitmap image files. Morphing is a special effect that blends two images into one.
ILLUSTRATION PROGRAMS - also known as draw programs, modify vector images

Graphic Suites

A graphics suite is a collection of individual graphics programs sold as a unit.


Virtual reality is also known as V.R., artificial reality, and virtual environments. It consists of interactive sensory equipment to simulate alternative realities to the physical world. V.R. creates computer generated simulated environments.

VRML (Virtual Reality Programming Language)

VRML is used to create real-time virtual reality applications on the Web.

Virtual reality Authoring Programs
Virtual reality authoring programs use VRML and are widely used to create Web-based virtual reality applications.


Applications include virtual amusement parks, flying, surgery, repairs, and nuclear disaster cleanup.


Artificial Intelligence is a research field to develop computer systems that simulate human thought processes and actions. Two areas are knowledge-based systems and robotics.

Knowledge-based Systems (Expert Systems)

Knowledge-based or expert systems are programs that duplicate the knowledge humans have for performing specialized tasks. They are unlike conventional programs in that they provide advice, use a knowledge base, file rules, and process according to human interaction. Fuzzy logic is used to allow humanlike input and output. Fuzzy logic involves ideas very qualitative and subjective such as 'good', 'better', 'not so bad' etc.


Robots are computer-controlled machines that mimic the motor activities of humans. Three types are industrial robots, perception systems, and mobile robots.


Project Management Software helps to plan, schedule, and control people, resources, and costs of a project. Two important tools are:


A Gantt chart use bars and lines to indicate the time scale of a series of tasks so you can see whether the tasks are being completed on schedule.


A PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique) chart shows not only the timing of a project but also the relationships among its tasks.






Computer ethics are guidelines for moral computer use. Four computer ethics issues are the following:

  • PRIVACY - concerns collection and use of data about individuals.
  • ACCURACY - relates to responsibility of those who collect data to ensure correctness.
  • PROPERTY - relates to who owns data and rights to software.
  • ACCESS - relates to the responsibility of those who have data to control who is able to use it.
  • Personal privacy concerns include:

    Use of Large Databases

    Large databases are constantly compiling information about us. A vast industry of data gatherers or "information resellers" collects data about us and sells it to direct marketers and others.

    Private Networks

    Some information networks have been used to eavesdrop on employees or to restrict members' messages.

    Use of the Internet and the Web

    All Internet Web communications are subject to eavesdropping. Browsers record your activities in history files. Cookies deposited by Web sites collect information about you.

    The Major Laws on Privacy

    There are numerous federal laws governing privacy matters; however, each has drawbacks that makes enforcement difficult.


    Security is concerned with keeping hardware, software, data, and programs safe from unauthorized personnel. There are a variety of sources that threaten computer systems. There are also a variety of protective measures that can be taken.

    Threats to Computer Security

    Keeping information private depends on keeping computer systems safe from:

  • COMPUTER CRIMINALS - can be employees, outside users, hackers/crackers, and organized-crime members.
  • COMPUTER CRIME - can be damage, theft, or manipulation.
  • VIRUSES - programs that migrate through networks and operating systems attaching themselves to different programs and databases, often benign but sometimes causing serious damage.
  • OTHER HAZARDS - including natural forces, civil strife, terrorism, technological failures, and human errors.
  • Virus CONCEPT -

    Makes Word's normal.dot template display a pop-up box containing the number 1. Infects all documents saved using the SAVE AS command.

    Virus CAP -

    Replaces all Word macros with its own macros.

    Virus WAZZU -

    Damages every Word document you open by moving around words and randomly inserting the word Wazzu.

    Virus NPAD -

    Displays the message "DOEUNPAD94, v2.21" every 23rd time any Word document is opened.

    Virus MDMA -

    On systems using Windows 95, it changes key, display, and network logon settings, and deletes Windows Help files and certain system files. Triggers the first day of the month.

    Virus Malissa -

    Comes with WORD document as an attachment with an e-mail leading to pornographic web sites.

    Virus Love Bug -

    Love Bug Virus: This virus spreads across a network, which is distributed by an e-mail attachment. It appears as "I Love You" in the subject line and in the body of the e-mail. Attachment has the pleading, "Kindly check the attached LOVELETTER coming from me."

    Many of us love-starved humans usually seem to fall for it. It uses Windows scripting technology to destroy files and then e-mail itself out to everyone on the Windows address book.

    Somebody had too much time on their hands.

    Virus Red Code -

    In examples we have seen, the "Code Red" worm attack sequence proceeds as follows:

    The victim host is scanned for TCP port 80. The attacking host sends the exploit string to the victim. The worm, now executing on the victim host, checks for the existence of c:\notworm. If found, the worm ceases execution. If c:\notworm is not found, the worm begins spawning threads to scan random IP addresses for hosts listening on TCP port 80, exploiting any vulnerable hosts it finds. If the victim host's default language is English, then after 100 scanning threads have started and a certain period of time has elapsed following infection, all web pages served by the victim host are defaced.

    Measures to Protect Computer Security

    Security is concerned with protecting information, hardware, and software. Some measures to protect computer security include:

    ENCRYPTING all messages.

    RESTRICTING ACCESS to authorized users by providing guards, passwords, dial-back systems, and firewalls (special hardware and software acting as a security buffer for the computer system).

    ANTICIPATING DISASTERS by providing physical security for hardware against human and natural disasters; data security is concerned with protecting software and data from unauthorized tampering or damage.

    BACKING UP DATA frequently and storing it in safe locations.

    PROVIDING SECURITY for microcomputers by following these procedures: avoid extreme conditions, guard the computer, and guard programs and data.


    Users should take steps to increase their productivity and avoid physical and mental health risks. Ergonomics is the study of human factors related to computers. It is concerned with fitting the job to the worker rather than forcing the worker to contort to fit the job.

    Physical Health Matters

    Physical health matters that have received the most attention can readily be avoided:

    EYESTRAIN AND HEADACHE - take frequent breaks, avoid glare on monitor.

    BACK AND NECK PAIN - use adjustable chairs, tables, monitor stands, keyboards.

    ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS - may lead to miscarriages, but not proved. Sit 2 feet from the screen; 3 feet from the adjacent computers.

    REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURY (RSI) - also known as repetitive motion injury and cumulative trauma disorder. RSIs are neck, wrist, hand, and arm injuries resulting from fast, repetitive work. Carpal tunnel syndrome, damage to nerves and tendons in the hands, afflict heavy keyboard users. Avoidance consists of frequent, short rest breaks, good posture, healthy lifestyle, and ergonomic keyboards.

    Mental Health Matters

    Counterproductive mental irritations include:

    Noise from clattering printers and high-frequency squeal from monitors.

    Stress from excessive monitoring

    Design with People in Mind

    Computers are being designed for easier and healthier use. There is a trend towards simplifying or stripping down features offered on appliances.


    Microcomputers are the greatest users of electricity in the workplace. The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has established the Energy Star program to encourage efficient use of energy in the computer industry. The industry has responded with the concept of Green PC.

    The Green PC

    The basic elements of the Green PC include:

    (1) use energy saving microprocessors,
    (2) have sleep-mode capability,
    (3) are more energy-efficient, and
    (4) eliminate cooling fans.

    DISPLAY UNITS that are made more efficient by
    (1) replacing CRT displays with flat panels,
    (2) using special power-down monitors, and
    (3) using screen saver software.

    MANUFACTURING that eliminates or reduces the use of harmful chemicals such as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), nickel, and other heavy elements.

    Personal Responsibility

    As a responsible computer user, you can help protect the environment by:

    CONSERVING energy by turning off computer systems at the end of the workday and using screen-saver software to blank computer screens after 3 to 5 minutes of inactivity.

    RECYCLING paper, computer boxes, packaging materials, printer cartridges, and floppy disks.

    EDUCATING yourself and others about ecological dangers of all types and making sure your concerns are known by supporting ecologically sound products.