Energy, Enthalpy, and Thermochemistry

Vasquez (Aliens) is a Colonial Marine who lifts weights. What equationfrom your text can be used to calculate the work performed each time she benches 70 kg for her warmup?

The Systeme Internationale (SI) units for energy is the ________.

Exactly how many joulesin one calorie?

How many caloriesin 1 nutritional Calorie?

System tend to change to reach the highest/lowest energy possible.
The first law of thermodynamics is the conservation of ______.
Delta E = E( final/initial) - E( final/initial).
Delta E > 0 indicates that the system gains/loses energy from its surroundings.
What are the two mechanisms we have studied so far that transfer energy? What thermodynamics equation sums up this idea?
Delta H = H( products/reactants ) - H( products/reactants .)
For an endothermic/exothermic reaction, the products have a lower enthalpy of reaction than the reactants.
a) 2 H2(g) + O2(g) -> 2 H2O(g) Delta H = -483.6 kJ
b) 1 H2(g) + (1/2) O2(g) -> 1 H2O(g) Delta H = -241.8 kJ
where 241.8 = 483.6 divided by 2

( a is correct; b is correct, both are correct.)
The measure of heat flow is called ____________.
What is the definition of heat capacity?
What are the units of specific heat?
Combustion reactions are carried out in a ___________ filled with what gas and what liquid?
The heat capacity of the calorimeter is lower case, upper case c/C.
Name the two enthalpies that deal with phase transition.
The standard state of a substance is ...
For Delta H (superscripted circle), what type of condition does the superscripted circle indicate?
The conversion of graphite to diamond requires/ gives off energy:
C (graphite) -> C (diamond)
Delta H (superscripted circle) = 1.88 kJ
Which chemical has an enthalpy of formation equal to zero? H2O (g), H2O (l), O2 (g)
What is the definition of fuel value?
What chemical does your body convert carbohydrates to?
Name three fossil fuels:
What is the composition of natural gas?