Electronic Structure of Atoms, Light, and Quantum Mechanics

The spectrum of light through a prism is continuous/discrete and a line spectrum from an atom is continuous/discrete.
What wavelength corresponds to a n=4 to n=2 transition for hydrogen?
Write the electron configuration for scandium.
The DeBroglie Equation relates waves and particles.
The Heisenberg Uncertainty principle concerns what two properties?>HR> Concerning Schrodinger's Equation, what is the meaning of psi squared.
The s orbital has ( no nodes, a nodal point, a nodal plane, two nodal planes, the p orbital has ( no nodes, a nodal point, a nodal plane, two nodal planes, the d orbital has ( no nodes, a nodal point, a nodal plane, two nodal planes.
What is the effective nuclear charge?
Rank the following electrons, 3s, 3p , 3d, in order of decreasing Z(eff.)
In a many-electron atom, for a given value of n, the energy of an orbital increases/ decreases with increasing value of l.
In a many-electron atom, for a given value of n, the energy of an orbital increases/ decreases with the increasing value of l.
What is the property of the electron that makes it behave as though it were a tiny magnet?