What two elements did Mendeleev predict?
What type of experiment did Moseley use to establish the concept of atomic number?
The 1s shell electrons of argon are a) closer to, b) farther from, c) the same distance from the nucleus than the 1s shell electrons of the He atom.
Within a group, the atomic radius tends to a) increase, b) decrease moving from the top to the bottom.
Within a period, the atomic radius tends to a) increase, b) decrease, c) remain the same moving from left to right.
What two factors determine the size of the outermost orbital?
Proceeding across a period in the table, the number of a) electrons, b) core electrons, c) valence electrons remains the same.
Proceeding across a period in the table, the number of valence electrons a) increases, b) decreases, c) remains the same.
Proceeding across a period in the table, the effective nuclear charge a) increases, b) decreases, c) remains the same
and the principle quantum number a) increases, decreases, stays the same.
In going down a column of elements, effective nuclear charge a) increases, b) decreases, c)remains the same while the principle quantum number d) increases, e) decreases, f) remains the same.
To summarize, if we think of the periodic term as having the same directions as a map (up is North), the the line of increasing atomic radius travels a)northeast, b)southeast, c) southwest, d) northwest.
The ___________ is the minimum energy required to remove an electron from the ground state of the isolated gaseous atom.
Higher ionization eneries indicate that it is easier, more difficult to remove an electron.
The idea that valence electrons are the only electrons involved in chemical reactions is supported by the observation that it is much easier, much more difficult to remove valence electrons than to remove noble gas core electrons.


Within each period, the first ionization energy is a) independent of, b) increases with, c) decreases with increasing atomic number.


Ionization energy a) remains the same, b) increases, c) decreases with increasing atomic number.
The attraction between the electron and the nucleus can be increased by either a) increasing, b) decreasing the effective nuclear charge, or a) increasing, c) decreasing the distance from the nucleus.
For our periodic table map analogy, the line of increase moves northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest for first ionization energy.
The energy change that occurs when an electron is added to a gaseous atom or ion is called the _____________
For metal characteristics vs. nonmetal characteristics, a list is provided below of two choice options. Select the characteristic that corresponds to metals (and the one you don't select applies to nonmetals:
distinguishing luster***nonlustrous; various colors
malleable and ductile as solids***solids are usually brittle; may be hard or soft
poor conductors of heat and electricity***good thermal and elecrical conductivity
most oxides are molecular, acidic compounds***most oxides are basic, ionic solids
exists in aqueous solution mainly as cations***exist in aqueous solution mainly as anions or oxyanions
Metals are called _______ because they can be pounded into thin sheets (this is particularly true for gold) and _______ because they can be drawn into wire.
Nonmetals, in reacting with metals, tend to gain/lose electrons and become anions/cations.
Most nonmetal oxides dissolve in water to form a) acids, b) bases, c) compounds that are neutral.
For our map/periodic table analogy, the line of increasing metallic character heads in a northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest direction.
The process of obtaining metals by passing an electric current through a molten salt is known as __________.
For compounds of alkali metals bonded to hydrogen (LiH, NaH, etc.), hydrogen is present as H-, and is called the ________ ion.
Alkali metals react vigorously with water to produce ____________ and __________.
Give the flame test colors for lithium, sodium, and potassium.
Two examples of _______ include oxygen and ozone for O, and graphite and diamond for C.
The order of halogen reactivity from most reactive to least reactive is ________.
Halogens react directly with most metals to form ________, and with hydrogen to form ________, and dissolve in water to form ________.
What one element has been successfully reacted with Xe and Kr?