What are the three types ( type one/ type two/ type three ) of chemical bonds?
What are the electrons called that take part in chemical bonding?
Each side of an electron can contain ________ dots in an electron-dot symbol.
T or F The number of valence electrons is equal to the number of the column that the element is found in the periodic table.
Atoms will gain, lose, or share electrons in order to have _______ valence electrons.


A process is classified as (endothermic,exothermic) when a nonmetal gains an electron.
The energy required to separate completely one mole of a solid ionic compound into its gaseous ions is known as its ___________ energy.
T or F The higher the lattice energy, the less strongly the ions are attracted to one another.
The attractive interaction between two oppositely charged ions increases, decreases as the magnitudes of their charges decreases and as the distance between their centers increases.
When a positive ion is formed from an atom, the electron is lost from the subshell with (smallest, largest) value of n.
A) Na +
B) Na 2+
( only A makes sense/only B makes sense/ both are logical. )
Cations are smaller/larger than the atoms from which they are prepared.
For ions of the same charge, size increases/decreases as one goes down a family in the periodic table.
F- is isoelectron to what sodium ion?
Between O 2- and Al 3+, which atom has the larger radius?
If it is brittle and has a melting point of 600 deg C, it's more likely to be covalent/ionic/metallic.
Hermes Trismegistus transmutes the brittle, 600 deg C compound into a compound which is malleable, ductile, and still has the 600 deg C melting pointing point. The new substance makes use of bonds which are covalent/ metallic.
The nitrogen molecule consists of two nitrogen atoms bonded together by a single/ double/ triple/ quadruple bond, and each nitrogen has one/ two/ three lone pairs.
The bond distance between two carbon atoms that share a triple bond is greater/lessthan the bond distance between two carbons atoms that share a double bond.
The ability of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to itself is called _________.
If we treat the periodic table as if it were a map (up is north, and fluorine is directly east of oxygen), then the arrow of increasing electronegativity heads to the northeast/ southeast/ southwest/ northeast.
Ionization energy differs from electron affinity, in that electron affinity/ionization energy measures how much energy is necessary to remove an electron for a given atom, but electron affinity/ionization energy measures how strongly that atom will attract additional electrons.
An atom with a high electronegativity will have a very negative/positive electron affinity, and a high/low ionization energy.
Which diatomic molecule (two atoms) has more ionic character? HF or LiF?
The greater the difference in electronegativity, the more nonpolar/polar the bond.
When several Lewis structures are possible, the most stable structure will place a negative formal charge on the most electronegative/electropositive atom.
Draw the resonance structures of the nitrate ion.
What is the difference between the bonding of SO3 and SO3(2-) in terms of bonds and lone pairs?
A triple bond is stronger/weaker than a double bond.
Where do the values for bond energies come from?
As the number of bonds between two atoms increases, the bond grows longer/shorter and stronger/weaker.
For sodium metal, nitrogen gas (N2), chlorine gas (Cl2), P4, or any other molecule where all atoms are the same element (this guarantees that all bonding electrons are shared equally by all atoms in the molecule), the oxidation state is _________.
The oxidation state of a monoatomic ion is _________.
In binary compounds, the element with the greater/lesser electronegativity is assigned a negative oxidation number equal to its charge in simple ionic compounds of the elements.
What is the common exception to the "oxygen has an oxidation number of -2" rule?