The bond angle of a tetrahedron is ______ degrees.
The best arrangement of a given number of electron pairs is the one that minimizes/maximizes the repulsions among them.
T or F The molecular geometry is the arrangement of electron pairs around the central atom.

This structure can be described as trigonal planar, tetrahedral, or trigonal pyramidal.

T or F A double or triple bond is counted as one bonding pair when prediciting the geometry.
An example of a linear model would look like this:

and could possible be increases/decreases as the number of nonbonding electron pairs increases.

This structure contains more than four electron pairs around it and can be described as equitorial/axial positions.

A molecule has one end with a slight positive charge and one end that is slightly negative. This molecule can be classified as T or F Polar molecules align themselves in an electric field with their negative ends pointing toward the positive plate.
What does the _________?

What are the two types of bonds?

The bonding sigma molecular orbital is higher/lower in energy than the atomic one-s orbital.
Half of the differece between the number of bonding and antibonding electrons is known as _________ whereas