The geography of Missouri was home to the famous fictious characters
Becky Thatcher, Tom Sawyer, and Huckleberry Finn (reference the novels
by Samuel Clemens, who authored under the pen name "Mark Twain."

Staglatites hang from the roof of the mouth of a cave, one of many
in Mark Twain Forest.

A natural spring is found several miles into the forest.

Sound 1

The mouth of the spring is the start of a river...

Sound 2

...which has a natural beauty that makes the view impressive even
before the return of the April leaves.

A beaver dams up a part of the river to make her home. In a
couple of weeks she and her mate will have a family to raise.

A natural bridge is the last site on our tour, and from the
we look out at the rustic beauty of mid-February Missouri.