This page was last updated Jan 23, 1996 TBone
Current FS/96 TA information will be added soon

Chem 2 WS96
TA Information

You can send email to your TA by clicking on the colored email address.(see NOTE below)

Section TA Office Hours Phone email
A1 (Mon, 201) Joe Schnelten Rm 328 12:30-1:30 M & W None
A2 (Mon, 201) Lynne Hogsett Rm 328 12:20-1:20 M & W None
C1 (Wed, 201) Joe Schnelten Rm 328 12:30-1:30 M & W None
C2 (Wed, 201) Lynne Hogsett Rm 328 12:20-1:20 M & W None
D1 (Wed, 212) Rachel Neal Rm 235 9:30-11:00 M-F 341-6950

NOTE: Netscape requires a return address to send mail.
You will get an email warning from Netscape, if it needs one.
Type at least one letter into the "Your Email" address blank of the dialog box which is presented next.
If the return address attached to the email message is not your proper email address,
please include it in the body of the letter, so that we can respond to your message.