program heiswolff5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! Monte Carlo simulation of clean 3d Heisenberg ! ! periodic boundary conditions, sequential update of sites ! uses LFSR113 random number generator ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! History: ! ! heiswolff : 8 May 2003 first version, based on 5d Ising program clean_1 ! heiswolff2: 12 May 2003 introduce site dilution ! heiswolff3: 13 May 2003 changed order of space and time to be identical to Rastko, ! fixed several bugs ! heiswolff4: 23 May 2003 implemented [log] and correlation length, added presweeps in equilibration ! heiswolff5: 28 May 2003 switch between canonical and grandcanonical impurities ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Parameters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none integer,parameter :: r8b= kind(1.D200) integer,parameter :: i4b= kind(2147483647) integer,parameter :: ilog=kind(.true.) real(r8b), parameter :: pi=3.141592653589D0 integer(i4b),parameter :: L=18, Lt=25, L3=Lt*L*L ! L=linear system size real(r8b), parameter :: qspace=2*pi/L,qtime=2*pi/Lt ! minimum q values for correlation length integer(i4b),parameter :: NEQ=100,NMESS=100 ! Monte Carlo sweeps real(r8b), parameter :: TMAX=1.2075D0, TMIN=1.184999D0, DT=-0.0025D0 ! temperature control integer(i4b),parameter :: NTEMP= 1+(TMIN-TMAX)/DT real(r8b), parameter :: IMPCONC=0.197 integer(i4b),parameter :: NCONF=1000 ! number of disorder configs logical(ilog), parameter :: CANON_DIS=.true. integer(i4b),parameter :: IRINIT=1, IM=2147483647 ! LFSR stuff integer(i4b),parameter :: NCLUSTER0=60 ! initial cluster flips per sweep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Variable declarations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! real (r8b) :: sx(0:L3-1),sy(0:L3-1),sz(0:L3-1) ! Heisenberg spin logical(ilog) :: occu(0:L3-1) ! occupation of site with spin real (r8b) :: sxnew, synew, sznew, slen real (r8b) :: nsx,nsy,nsz, dE ! sum over neighboring spins real(r8b) :: mx,my,mz,sweepmag,sweepen ! magnetization vector real(r8b) :: sweepmagqt,sweepmagq2, sweepmagq3,magqt,magqs ! mag(qtime),mag(qspace), real(r8b) :: Gt,Gs,Gtcon,Gscon ! G(qspace), G(qtime), connected versions real(r8b) :: mag, mag2, mag4, bin, susc,en, en2,sph ! magnetization, its square, energy real(r8b) :: xit,xis,xitcon,xiscon ! correlation lengths in space an time, connected versions real(r8b) :: glxit,glxis,glxitcon,glxiscon ! global correlation lengths in space an time, connected versions real(r8b) :: confmag(NTEMP),confmag2(NTEMP) real(r8b) :: conf2mag(NTEMP), confmag4(NTEMP) ! configuration averages real(r8b) :: conflogmag(NTEMP) real(r8b) :: confsusc(NTEMP), confbin(NTEMP) real(r8b) :: conf2susc(NTEMP), conf2bin(NTEMP) ! conf. av. of squared observables real(r8b) :: confen(NTEMP),confsph(NTEMP) real(r8b) :: conf2en(NTEMP),conf2sph(NTEMP) real(r8b) :: confGt(NTEMP),confGs(NTEMP),confGtcon(NTEMP),confGscon(NTEMP) real(r8b) :: confxit(NTEMP),confxis(NTEMP) real(r8b) :: confxitcon(NTEMP),confxiscon(NTEMP) integer(i4b) :: m1(0:L3-1) ! neighbor table integer(i4b) :: m2(0:L3-1) integer(i4b) :: m3(0:L3-1) integer(i4b) :: m4(0:L3-1) integer(i4b) :: m5(0:L3-1) integer(i4b) :: m6(0:L3-1) integer(i4b) :: iconf,init ! current disorder config integer(i4b) :: N_IMPSITE,iimp ! number of impurity sites integer(i4b) :: i1,i2,i3 ! coordinates integer(i4b) :: is ! site index integer(i4b) :: ispace,itime integer(i4b) :: isweep ! Monte Carlo sweep real(r8b) :: T, beta ! Monte Carlo temperature integer(i4b) :: itemp integer(i4b) :: nsweepflip,ncluster real(r8b) :: totalflip,avclsize real(r8b),external :: rlfsr113 external lfsrinit character datfile*14,avenfile*14,avmafile*14,avcofile*14 datfile='heis000000.dat' avenfile='aven000000.dat' avmafile='avma000000.dat' avcofile='avco000000.dat' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Start of main program !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! N_IMPSITE=nint(L*L*impconc) print *,'Program heiswolff5' print *,'--------------------------------------------------' print *,'L= ', L, ' Lt= ', Lt print *,'MC steps: ', NEQ, ' + ', NMESS write(datfile(5:7),'(I3.3)') L write(avenfile(5:7),'(I3.3)') L write(avmafile(5:7),'(I3.3)') L write(avcofile(5:7),'(I3.3)') L write(datfile(8:10),'(I3.3)') Lt write(avenfile(8:10),'(I3.3)') Lt write(avmafile(8:10),'(I3.3)') Lt write(avcofile(8:10),'(I3.3)') Lt open(2,file=datfile,status='replace') rewind(2) write(2,*) 'program heiswolff5' write(2,*) 'linear system sizes, L=', L, ' Lt= ', Lt write(2,*) 'equilibration steps ', NEQ write(2,*) 'measurement steps ', NMESS write(2,*) 'impurity conc. ', real(impconc),', number of imps. ',N_IMPSITE write(2,*) 'disorder configurations ', NCONF write(2,*) 'CANON_DIS ',CANON_DIS write(2,*) 'LFSR-Init ', IRINIT write(2,*) '-----------------' write(2,*) ' T magnetization energy spec.heat susceptibility Binder ncluster avclsize xit xis' close(2) ! Set up neigbor table do i1=0, Lt-1 do i2=0, L-1 do i3=0, L-1 is = L*L*i1 + L*i2 + i3 if (i1.eq.Lt-1) then m1(is)=is - L*L*(Lt-1) else m1(is)=is + L*L endif if (i1.eq.0) then m2(is)=is + L*L*(Lt-1) else m2(is)=is - L*L endif if (i2.eq.L-1) then m3(is)= is - L*(L-1) else m3(is)= is + L endif if (i2.eq.0) then m4(is)=is + L*(L-1) else m4(is)=is - L endif if (i3.eq.L-1) then m5(is)= is - (L-1) else m5(is)= is + 1 endif if (i3.eq.0) then m6(is)= is + (L-1) else m6(is)= is - 1 endif enddo enddo enddo confmag(:) = 0.D0 conf2mag(:) = 0.D0 confmag2(:) = 0.D0 confmag4(:) = 0.D0 conflogmag(:)= 0.D0 confsusc(:) = 0.D0 confbin(:) = 0.D0 conf2susc(:) = 0.D0 conf2bin(:) = 0.D0 confen(:) = 0.D0 confsph(:) = 0.D0 conf2en(:) = 0.D0 conf2sph(:) = 0.D0 confGt(:) = 0.D0 confGs(:) = 0.D0 confGtcon(:) = 0.D0 confGscon(:) = 0.D0 confxit(:) = 0.D0 confxis(:) = 0.D0 confxitcon(:)= 0.D0 confxiscon(:)= 0.D0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Loop over disorder configurations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! disorder: do iconf=1,NCONF print *, 'disorder configuration ', iconf ! Initialize random number generator, IRINIT must be positive init=irinit+iconf-1 call lfsrinit(init) ! Initialize impurities occu(:)=.true. iimp=0 IF (CANON_DIS) THEN do while ( ispace = int(rlfsr113()*L*L) if (occu(ispace)) then do itime=0,Lt-1 occu(ispace+L*L*itime)=.false. ! print *,ispace+L*L*itime enddo iimp=iimp+1 endif enddo ELSE do ispace=0,L*L-1 if (rlfsr113()] std.en [] std.spec.heat' T=TMAX itemp=1 do while ( write(7,'(1x,25(e12.6,1x))') t,confen(itemp)/iconf,sqrt(conf2en(itemp)/iconf-(confen(itemp)/iconf)**2),& confsph(itemp)/iconf, sqrt(conf2sph(itemp)/iconf-(confsph(itemp)/iconf)**2) T=T+DT itemp=itemp+1 enddo close(7) open(7,file=avmafile,status='replace') rewind(7) write(7,*) 'program heiswolff5' write(7,*) 'spatial + temporal system size', L, Lt write(7,*) 'equilibration steps ', NEQ write(7,*) 'measurement steps ', NMESS write(7,*) 'impurity conc. ', real(impconc),', number of imps. ',N_IMPSITE write(7,*) 'disorder configurations ', NCONF write(7,*) 'disorder configurations processed ',iconf write(7,*) 'CANON_DIS ',CANON_DIS write(7,*) 'LFSR-Init ', IRINIT write(7,*) '-----------------' write(7,*) ' T [] [^2] std.mag [] std.susc [] std.bin [log ] Global.Binder' T=TMAX itemp=1 do while ( write(7,'(1x,25(e12.6,1x))') t,confmag(itemp)/iconf,conf2mag(itemp)/iconf,& sqrt(conf2mag(itemp)/iconf-(confmag(itemp)/iconf)**2),confsusc(itemp)/iconf,& sqrt(conf2susc(itemp)/iconf-(confsusc(itemp)/iconf)**2), confbin(itemp)/iconf,& sqrt(conf2bin(itemp)/iconf-(confbin(itemp)/iconf)**2), conflogmag(itemp)/iconf,& 1-confmag4(itemp)/iconf/(3*(confmag2(itemp)/iconf)**2) T=T+DT itemp=itemp+1 enddo close(7) open(7,file=avcofile,status='replace') rewind(7) write(7,*) 'program heiswolff5' write(7,*) 'spatial + temporal system size', L, Lt write(7,*) 'equilibration steps ', NEQ write(7,*) 'measurement steps ', NMESS write(7,*) 'impurity conc. ', real(impconc),', number of imps. ',N_IMPSITE write(7,*) 'disorder configurations ', NCONF write(7,*) 'disorder configurations processed ',iconf write(7,*) 'CANON_DIS ',CANON_DIS write(7,*) 'LFSR-Init ', IRINIT write(7,*) '-----------------' write(7,*) ' T [xit] [xis] [xit]/Lt [xis]/L [xitcon] [xiscon] [xitcon]/Lt [xiscon]/L' write(7,*) ' glxit glxis glxit/Lt glxis/L glxitcon glxiscon glxitcon/Lt glxiscon/L' T=TMAX itemp=1 do while ( glxit= (confmag2(itemp) - confGt(itemp))/ (confGt(itemp)*qtime*qtime) glxit=sqrt(abs(glxit)) glxis= (confmag2(itemp) - confGs(itemp))/ (confGs(itemp)*qspace*qspace) glxis=sqrt(abs(glxis)) glxitcon= ((confmag2(itemp) - (confmag(itemp)**2)/iconf) - confGtcon(itemp))/ (confGtcon(itemp)*qtime*qtime) glxitcon=sqrt(abs(glxitcon)) glxiscon= ((confmag2(itemp) - (confmag(itemp)**2)/iconf) - confGscon(itemp))/ (confGscon(itemp)*qspace*qspace) glxiscon=sqrt(abs(glxiscon)) write(7,'(1x,25(e12.6,1x))') t,confxit(itemp)/iconf, confxis(itemp)/iconf,& confxit(itemp)/iconf/Lt, confxis(itemp)/iconf/L,& confxitcon(itemp)/iconf,confxiscon(itemp)/iconf,confxitcon(itemp)/iconf/Lt,confxiscon(itemp)/iconf/L,& glxit,glxis,glxit/Lt,glxis/L,glxitcon,glxiscon,glxitcon/Lt,glxiscon/L T=T+DT itemp=itemp+1 enddo close(7) enddo disorder stop contains subroutine wolff_sweep(nflip) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Performs a Wolff sweep consisting of several single cluster flips !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! integer(i4b) :: stack(0:L3-1) ! stack for cluster construction integer(i4b) :: sp ! stackpointer logical(ilog) :: oldspin,newspin ! temp. spin variables integer(i4b) :: current ! current site in cluster construction integer(i4b) :: isize ! size of current cluster integer(i4b) :: nflip ! number of flipped spins integer(i4b) :: icluster ! cluster index real(r8b) :: nx,ny,nz ! reflection direction real(r8b) :: scalar1,scalar2, snsn ! scalar products in addition probability real(r8b) :: padd,help nflip=0 icluster=0 do while( is = int(L3*rlfsr113()) ! seed site for Wolff cluster if (occu(is)) then ! is site occupied? stack(0)=is sp=1 nx= rlfsr113()-0.5D0 ny= rlfsr113()-0.5D0 nz= rlfsr113()-0.5D0 slen= sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz) nx= nx/slen ny= ny/slen nz= nz/slen icluster=icluster+1 isize=1 scalar2= (nx*sx(is)+ny*sy(is)+nz*sz(is)) ! scalar product for p_add sx(is)=sx(is)-2*nx*scalar2 ! now flip seed spin sy(is)=sy(is)-2*ny*scalar2 sz(is)=sz(is)-2*nz*scalar2 do while( ! now build the cluster sp=sp-1 current = stack(sp) ! get site from stack scalar1=- (nx*sx(current)+ny*sy(current)+nz*sz(current)) ! scalar product for p_add if (occu(m6(current))) then scalar2= (nx*sx(m6(current))+ny*sy(m6(current))+nz*sz(m6(current)) ) ! scalar product for p_add snsn=scalar1*scalar2 if (snsn>0) then padd=1.D0-exp(-2*beta*snsn) ! check whether parallel help=rlfsr113() if( then sx(m6(current))=sx(m6(current))-2*nx*scalar2 ! now flip current spin sy(m6(current))=sy(m6(current))-2*ny*scalar2 sz(m6(current))=sz(m6(current))-2*nz*scalar2 stack(sp)=m6(current) sp=sp+1 isize=isize+1 endif endif endif if (occu(m5(current))) then scalar2= (nx*sx(m5(current))+ny*sy(m5(current))+nz*sz(m5(current)) ) ! scalar product for p_add snsn=scalar1*scalar2 if (snsn>0) then padd=1.D0-exp(-2*beta*snsn) ! check whether parallel help=rlfsr113() if( then sx(m5(current))=sx(m5(current))-2*nx*scalar2 ! now flip current spin sy(m5(current))=sy(m5(current))-2*ny*scalar2 sz(m5(current))=sz(m5(current))-2*nz*scalar2 stack(sp)=m5(current) sp=sp+1 isize=isize+1 endif endif endif if (occu(m4(current))) then scalar2= (nx*sx(m4(current))+ny*sy(m4(current))+nz*sz(m4(current)) ) ! scalar product for p_add snsn=scalar1*scalar2 if (snsn>0) then padd=1.D0-exp(-2*beta*snsn) ! check whether parallel help=rlfsr113() if( then sx(m4(current))=sx(m4(current))-2*nx*scalar2 ! now flip current spin sy(m4(current))=sy(m4(current))-2*ny*scalar2 sz(m4(current))=sz(m4(current))-2*nz*scalar2 stack(sp)=m4(current) sp=sp+1 isize=isize+1 endif endif endif if (occu(m3(current))) then scalar2= (nx*sx(m3(current))+ny*sy(m3(current))+nz*sz(m3(current)) ) ! scalar product for p_add snsn=scalar1*scalar2 if (snsn>0) then padd=1.D0-exp(-2*beta*snsn) help=rlfsr113() if( then sx(m3(current))=sx(m3(current))-2*nx*scalar2 ! now flip current spin sy(m3(current))=sy(m3(current))-2*ny*scalar2 sz(m3(current))=sz(m3(current))-2*nz*scalar2 stack(sp)=m3(current) sp=sp+1 isize=isize+1 endif endif endif if (occu(m2(current))) then scalar2= (nx*sx(m2(current))+ny*sy(m2(current))+nz*sz(m2(current)) ) ! scalar product for p_add snsn=scalar1*scalar2 if (snsn>0) then padd=1.D0-exp(-2*beta*snsn) ! check whether parallel help=rlfsr113() if( then sx(m2(current))=sx(m2(current))-2*nx*scalar2 ! now flip current spin sy(m2(current))=sy(m2(current))-2*ny*scalar2 sz(m2(current))=sz(m2(current))-2*nz*scalar2 stack(sp)=m2(current) sp=sp+1 isize=isize+1 endif endif endif if (occu(m1(current))) then scalar2= (nx*sx(m1(current))+ny*sy(m1(current))+nz*sz(m1(current)) ) ! scalar product for p_add snsn=scalar1*scalar2 if (snsn>0) then padd=1.D0-exp(-2*beta*snsn) ! check whether parallel help=rlfsr113() if( then sx(m1(current))=sx(m1(current))-2*nx*scalar2 ! now flip current spin sy(m1(current))=sy(m1(current))-2*ny*scalar2 sz(m1(current))=sz(m1(current))-2*nz*scalar2 stack(sp)=m1(current) sp=sp+1 isize=isize+1 endif endif endif enddo ! of cluster building and flipping nflip = nflip +isize endif ! of if(occu(is)) enddo ! of do icluster end subroutine wolff_sweep subroutine metro_sweep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! carries out one Metropolis sweep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do is=0, L3-1 if (occu(is)) then nsx=0.D0 nsy=0.D0 nsz=0.D0 if (occu(m1(is))) then nsx=nsx+sx(m1(is)) nsy=nsy+sy(m1(is)) nsz=nsz+sz(m1(is)) endif if (occu(m2(is))) then nsx=nsx+sx(m2(is)) nsy=nsy+sy(m2(is)) nsz=nsz+sz(m2(is)) endif if (occu(m3(is))) then nsx=nsx+sx(m3(is)) nsy=nsy+sy(m3(is)) nsz=nsz+sz(m3(is)) endif if (occu(m4(is))) then nsx=nsx+sx(m4(is)) nsy=nsy+sy(m4(is)) nsz=nsz+sz(m4(is)) endif if (occu(m5(is))) then nsx=nsx+sx(m5(is)) nsy=nsy+sy(m5(is)) nsz=nsz+sz(m5(is)) endif if (occu(m6(is))) then nsx=nsx+sx(m6(is)) nsy=nsy+sy(m6(is)) nsz=nsz+sz(m6(is)) endif sxnew= rlfsr113()-0.5D0 synew= rlfsr113()-0.5D0 sznew= rlfsr113()-0.5D0 slen=sqrt(sxnew*sxnew + synew*synew +sznew*sznew) sxnew=sxnew/slen synew=synew/slen sznew=sznew/slen dE= nsx*(sx(is)-sxnew)+ nsy*(sy(is)-synew)+nsz*(sz(is)-sznew) if (dE<0.or.(exp(-dE*beta)>rlfsr113())) then sx(is)=sxnew sy(is)=synew sz(is)=sznew endif endif ! of if(occu(is)) enddo ! of do is ... end subroutine metro_sweep subroutine measurement !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! measures energy and magnetization !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sweepen=0 mx=0 my=0 mz=0 do is=0,L3-1 if (occu(is)) then mx=mx+sx(is) my=my+sy(is) mz=mz+sz(is) nsx=0 nsy=0 nsz=0 if (occu(m1(is))) then nsx=nsx+sx(m1(is)) nsy=nsy+sy(m1(is)) nsz=nsz+sz(m1(is)) endif if (occu(m3(is))) then nsx=nsx+sx(m3(is)) nsy=nsy+sy(m3(is)) nsz=nsz+sz(m3(is)) endif if (occu(m5(is))) then nsx=nsx+sx(m5(is)) nsy=nsy+sy(m5(is)) nsz=nsz+sz(m5(is)) endif sweepen=sweepen-sx(is)*nsx sweepen=sweepen-sy(is)*nsy sweepen=sweepen-sz(is)*nsz endif enddo en=en+sweepen/L3 en2=en2+(sweepen/L3)**2 sweepmag= sqrt(mx*mx+my*my+mz*mz)/L3 mag= mag + sweepmag mag2=mag2+ sweepmag**2 mag4=mag4+ sweepmag**4 end subroutine measurement subroutine corr_func !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! measures correlation function !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! real(r8b) :: Remqtx,Remqty,Remqtz,Immqtx,Immqty,Immqtz real(r8b) :: Remq2x,Remq2y,Remq2z,Immq2x,Immq2y,Immq2z real(r8b) :: Remq3x,Remq3y,Remq3z,Immq3x,Immq3y,Immq3z Remqtx=0 Remqty=0 Remqtz=0 Immqtx=0 Immqty=0 Immqtz=0 Remq2x=0 Remq2y=0 Remq2z=0 Immq2x=0 Immq2y=0 Immq2z=0 Remq3x=0 Remq3y=0 Remq3z=0 Immq3x=0 Immq3y=0 Immq3z=0 do i1=0, Lt-1 do i2=0, L-1 do i3=0, L-1 is = L*L*i1 + L*i2 + i3 if (occu(is)) then Remqtx=Remqtx+sx(is)*cos(qtime*i1) Remqty=Remqty+sy(is)*cos(qtime*i1) Remqtz=Remqtz+sz(is)*cos(qtime*i1) Immqtx=Immqtx+sx(is)*sin(qtime*i1) Immqty=Immqty+sy(is)*sin(qtime*i1) Immqtz=Immqtz+sz(is)*sin(qtime*i1) Remq2x=Remq2x+sx(is)*cos(qspace*i2) Remq2y=Remq2y+sy(is)*cos(qspace*i2) Remq2z=Remq2z+sz(is)*cos(qspace*i2) Immq2x=Immq2x+sx(is)*sin(qspace*i2) Immq2y=Immq2y+sy(is)*sin(qspace*i2) Immq2z=Immq2z+sz(is)*sin(qspace*i2) Remq3x=Remq3x+sx(is)*cos(qspace*i3) Remq3y=Remq3y+sy(is)*cos(qspace*i3) Remq3z=Remq3z+sz(is)*cos(qspace*i3) Immq3x=Immq3x+sx(is)*sin(qspace*i3) Immq3y=Immq3y+sy(is)*sin(qspace*i3) Immq3z=Immq3z+sz(is)*sin(qspace*i3) endif enddo enddo enddo sweepmagqt=Remqtx**2+Remqty**2+Remqtz**2 + Immqtx**2+Immqty**2+Immqtz**2 sweepmagqt=sqrt(sweepmagqt)/L3 magqt=magqt+sweepmagqt Gt=Gt+sweepmagqt**2 sweepmagq2=(Remq2x**2+Remq2y**2+Remq2z**2 + Immq2x**2+Immq2y**2+Immq2z**2) sweepmagq3=(Remq3x**2+Remq3y**2+Remq3z**2 + Immq3x**2+Immq3y**2+Immq3z**2) sweepmagq2=sqrt(sweepmagq2)/L3 sweepmagq3=sqrt(sweepmagq3)/L3 magqs=magqs+0.5*(sweepmagq2+sweepmagq3) Gs=Gs+0.5*(sweepmagq2**2+sweepmagq3**2) end subroutine corr_func end !CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ! ! Random number generator RLFSR113 - real version ! ! Following a suggestion of Pierre L'Ecuyer 1997 ! "Tables of maximally equidistributed combined LFSR generators" ! see ! ! A call to rlfsr113() gives one random real in the open ! interval (0,1). ! ! Before using rlfsr113 call lfsrinit(seed) to initialize ! the generator by random integers produced by Park/Millers ! minimal standard LCG. ! Seed should be any positive integer. ! ! FORTRAN version by Thomas Vojta, ! ! History: ! 04 Feb 1998 v0.9 first FORTRAN implementation ! 05 Feb 1998 v0.91 corrected multiplicator am to 1/(2^31) ! 15 Apr 1999 v0.92 added real*8 rlfs113 in lfsrinit ! 10 Feb 2000 v0.93 changed lfsrinit to allow for CONSTANT arguments ! !CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC FUNCTION rlfsr113 () implicit none integer,parameter :: i4b= kind(2147483647) integer,parameter :: r8b= kind(1.D200) real(r8b),parameter :: am=4.656612873077d-10 real(r8b) rlfsr113 integer(i4b) b,z1,z2,z3,z4 common /lfsrcom/z1,z2,z3,z4 b = ishft(ieor(ishft(z1,6),z1),-13) z1 = ieor(ishft(iand(z1,-2),18),b) b = ishft(ieor(ishft(z2,2),z2),-27) z2 = ieor(ishft(iand(z2,-8),2),b) b = ishft(ieor(ishft(z3,13),z3),-21) z3 = ieor(ishft(iand(z3,-16),7),b) b = ishft(ieor(ishft(z4,3),z4),-12) z4 = ieor(ishft(iand(z4,-128),13),b) rlfsr113=ishft( ieor(ieor(ieor(z1,z2),z3),z4) , -1)*am ! print *, 'RLFSR113 ', rlfsr113 return end SUBROUTINE lfsrinit(iinit) implicit none integer,parameter :: r8b= kind(1.D200) integer,parameter :: i4b= kind(2147483647) integer(i4b) idum,ia,im,iq,ir,iinit integer(i4b) k,z1,z2,z3,z4,c1,c2,c3,c4 real(r8b) rlfsr113,rdum parameter (ia=16807,im=2147483647,iq=127773,ir=2836) common /lfsrcom/z1,z2,z3,z4 data c1 /B'11111111111111111111111111111110'/ data c2 /B'11111111111111111111111111111000'/ data c3 /B'11111111111111111111111111110000'/ data c4 /B'11111111111111111111111110000000'/ if (( then print *,'Nonstandard integer representation. Stoped.' stop endif idum=iinit if (idum.le.0) idum=1 k=(idum)/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum = idum + IM if ( then z1=idum+2 else z1=idum endif k=(idum)/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum = idum + IM if ( then z2=idum+8 else z2=idum endif k=(idum)/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum = idum + IM if ( then z3=idum+16 else z3=idum endif k=(idum)/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum = idum + IM if ( then z4=idum+128 else z4=idum endif rdum=rlfsr113() return end