Step 1 - Join us in Slack! If you haven't already, you will need to join our Slack workspace - Seismology Skill Building Workshop - Summer 2022 - by following this link and creating an account if you don't have one. Slack is a FREE messaging app that can be used on mobile devices, computer desktops, and online. It is where all the communication for the workshop will take place. In fact, should you encounter any difficulties while getting started, Slack is where you will go to ask questions and get support! Step 2 - Access the workshop materials! To participate in the workshop you will need to sign into the course management system website that contains the course materials. Info to access that page is below. Note that you will be able to browse the site immediately. However, permission to begin Module 0 won't occur until Noon US Eastern on Monday 6/13/22. Moodle site: username: the part of your email before the @ sign initial password: IRIS-2022