Here we go with another 30 POINTS offer: Write a program that
returns for an arbitrary input number x_1 (of course, a natural number)
the natural number N with the property that x_N=1 and x_k not 1 for all
integers k strictly between 1 and N, where x is the sequence
from last week's Internet Special.
Test your program by producing a list for all starting values x_1
between 1 and 1000. Turn in this list together with a print out of
your program.
The deadline for this Thanksgiving Holiday Special is Tuesday after
Thanksgiving, 3:30 pm.
Example:For the input 23, the output of your program should be 12,
because if x_1=23, then x_{12}=1, and x_k not 1 for all integers k strictly
between 1 and 12.