Editor-in-Chief for the following Journals


  1. Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering (since Jan 2022)

  2. Foundations (since Mar 2021)

  3. Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science (since Jan 2016)

  1. Abstract and Applied Analysis (2006-2011)
    IF2007=0.163, IF2008=0.644, IF2009=2.221, IF2010=1.442, IF2011=1.318, IF2012=1.102, now not receiving IF

  2. Advances in Difference Equations (Jan 2015 - Dec 2021)
    IF2015=0.297, IF2016=0.335, IF2017=1.066, IF2018=1.510, IF2019=2.421, IF2020=2.803

  3. Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications (Oct 2005 - Dec 2020)

  4. Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems - An Electronic Newsletter (2005-2008)

  5. International Journal of Difference Equations (Oct 2005 - Dec 2020)

  6. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (2008-2018)

  7. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (Jan-Dec 2015)

Associate Editor for the following Journals Find Reviewers


  1. Acta Universitatis Apulensis. Mathematics. Informatics (since Sep 2018)

  2. Advances in Analysis (since Dec 2015)

  3. Advances in Computational Mathematics and Modelling (Honorary Editor, since Jan 2022)

  4. Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics (since Nov 2005)

  5. African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics (since Feb 2012)

  6. Alexandria Engineering Journal (since Oct 2023)

  7. Analysis (since May 2013)

  8. An International Journal of Optimization and Control. Theories & Applications. IJOCTA (since Oct 2019)

  9. Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences (since Dec 2009)

  10. Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences (since Jul 2011)

  11. Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (since Jan 2021)

  12. Axioms (since Dec 2018)

  13. Biometrics and Biostatistics International Journal (since Dec 2014)

  14. Biostatistics and Biometrics (since Dec 2017)

  15. Chaos Theory and Applications (since Aug 2022)

  16. Communications in Combinatorics, Cryptography and Computer Science (since Jan 2021)

  17. Communications in Mathematical Analysis (old site) (since Aug 2005)

  18. Communications in Nonlinear Analysis (since Dec 2015) Flyer

  19. Complexity Analysis and Applications (since Jan 2024)

  20. Computational Algorithms and Numerical Dimensions (since Feb 2022)

  21. Contributions to Mathematics (since May 2020)

  22. Contributions to Pure and Applied Mathematics (since Aug 2023)

  23. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (since Mar 2011)

  24. Erzurum Technical University Journal of Mathematics (since Feb 2022)

  25. e-Journal of Analysis and Applied Mathematics (since Mar 2018)

  26. Fundamental Journal of Mathematics and Applications (since Aug 2023)

  27. Global and Stochastic Analysis (since Apr 2016)

  28. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (since 2005)

  29. Heliyon (since March 2015; Advisory Board Member, since Dec 2019)

  30. Hikari Ltd (Advisory Board Member, since Mar 2013)

  31. Indian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (since Sep 2014)

  32. Innovative Journal of Mathematics (Advisory Editor, since Dec 2021)

  33. International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (since Jun 2010)

  34. International Journal of Analysis and Applications (Advisory Board Member, since Jul 2017)

  35. International Journal of Applied Mathematics (since Oct 2019)

  36. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (since Nov 2013)

  37. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (since Jan 2008)

  38. International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics & Computer Science (since Sep 2021)

  39. International Journal of Current Research in Computer Science and Technology (since Dec 2014)

  40. International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations (since May 2006)

  41. International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (since Oct 2013)

  42. International Journal of Mathematics and Computer in Engineering (since Mar 2023)

  43. International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications (International Advisory Board Member, since Dec 2009)

  44. International Journal of Pure Mathematics (since Nov 2013)

  45. International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research (since Apr 2013)

  46. International Journal of Scientific Research in Modern Science and Technology (International Editorial Board Member, since Sep 2023)

  47. International Journal of Statistika and Mathematika (since Jul 2012)

  48. Involve - A Journal of Mathematics (since Jan 2008)

  49. Journal of Abstract Differential Equations and Applications (since Mar 2010)

  50. Journal of Analysis and Applications (since May 2019)

  51. Journal of Applied and Fundamental Sciences (Advisory Committee Member, since Dec 2021)

  52. Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences (since Apr 2024)

  53. Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications (since Sep 2011)

  54. Journal of Computer Science and Computational Mathematics (since Jul 2016)

  55. Journal of Differential Equations and Related Fields (since Apr 2021)

  56. Journal of Electrical Technology UMY (since Aug 2022)

  57. Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development (since Nov 2023)

  58. Journal of Inequalities and Applications (since Jul 2003)

  59. Journal of Inequalities and Special Functions (since Mar 2016)

  60. Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science (since Nov 2011)

  61. Journal of Mathematical Control Science and Applications (since Oct 2018)

  62. Journal of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications (since May 2011)

  63. Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis (since Dec 2013)

  64. Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications (Honorary Chairman, since Aug 2010)

  65. Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Stochastics (Topical Editor, since Dec 2021)

  66. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports (since Feb 2013)

  67. Journal of Soft Computing and Artificial Intelligence (since Jul 2023)

  68. Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society (since Jan 2014)

  69. JSM Mathematics and Statistics (since Feb 2014)

  70. Karaelmas Science and Engineering Journal (since Feb 2011)

  71. Konuralp Journal of Mathematics (since Aug 2012)

  72. Malaya Journal of Matematik (since Aug 2012)

  73. Mathematica Aeterna (since Jan 2011)

  74. Mathematica Moravica (since Jun 2010)

  75. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems (since Jul 2023)

  76. Mathematical Inequalities and Applications (since Dec 2008)

  77. Mathematical Models and Methods in Modern Mathematics (since Nov 2023)

  78. Mathematical Modelling and Control (since Jan 2021) Flyer

  79. Mathematical Research Publishers / E-Book Series (since Mar 2010)

  80. Mathematical Sciences and Applications E-Notes (since Apr 2021)

  81. Mathematics (since May 2018)

  82. Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems (since Oct 2013)

  83. Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory (Regional Editor, North America, since Nov 2006)

  84. Open Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics (since Sep 2021)

  85. Open Journal of Mathematical Analysis (Advisory Board, since Jun 2018)

  86. Palestine Journal of Mathematics (Managing Editor, since Aug 2017)

  87. Procedure International Journal of Science and Technology (since Nov 2023)

  88. Research in Applied Mathematics (since Mar 2016)

  89. Results in Nonlinear Analysis (since Jan 2018)

  90. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics (since Jan 2022)

  91. Sohag Journal of Mathematics (since Sep 2014)

  92. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (Advisory Board, since Sep 2024)

  93. Tamap Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (since Mar 2017)

  94. Theoretical Mathematics and Applications (since May 2011)

  95. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (since Jan 2022)

  96. Transactions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences (since Oct 2020)

  97. Turkish Journal of Mathematics (since Mar 2015)

  1. Abstract and Applied Analysis (2011-2018)

  2. Advances in Difference Equations (Jul 2003 - Dec 2021)

  3. Archive of Inequalities and Applications (Jul 2003 - 2004)

  4. Cankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering (Jan 2010 - 2020)

  5. Contemporary Analysis and Applied Mathematics (Dec 2011 - Jul 2016)

  6. Fariman Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Mar 2010 - 2020)

  7. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (Apr 2006 - May 2017)

  8. International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (Jun 2007 - 2018)

  9. International Journal of Modern Mathematics (Jan 2006 - 2018)

  10. International Journal of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology (Apr 2014 - 2018)

  11. International Journal of Nonlinear Operators Theory and Applications (Oct 2005 - 2018)

  12. International Journal of Publishing (Sep 2014 - 2018)

  13. International Journal of Research and Applied Innovations (Dec 2015 - 2019)

  14. Journal of Advances in Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Dec 2016 - 2018)

  15. Journal of Applied & Computational Mathematics (Executive Editor, Nov 2012 - Aug 2017)

  16. Journal of Business & Management (Jun 2013 - 2017)

  17. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (Aug 2012 - Dec 2015)

  18. Journal of Reviews on Global Economics (Nov 2012 - 2017)

  19. Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences (Jul 2016 - 2020)

  20. Pure Mathematical Sciences (Feb 2012 - 2019)

  21. Sci (Advisory Board Member, Oct 2018 - May 2024)

  22. Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics (Feb 2004 - 2014)

  23. SOP Transactions on Statistics and Analysis (Nov 2013 - 2019)

Guest Editor for the following Journals
  1. Advances in Difference Equations

  2. Applied Mathematics Modelling

  3. Axioms

  4. Chinese Journal of Mathematics

  5. Computers and Mathematics with Applications

  6. Dynamic Systems and Applications

  7. International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations

  8. Journal of Applied Mathematics

  9. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

  10. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications

  11. Journal of Nonlinear Science and its Applications

  12. Mathematics

  13. Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory

  14. Turkish Journal of Mathematics

Reviewer for the following Journals
  1. Acta Applicanda Mathematicae

  2. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica

  3. Acta Geophysica

  4. Acta Mathematica Applicatae Sinica (English Series)

  5. Acta Mathematica Scientia

  6. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae

  7. Acta Mathematica Vietnamica

  8. Acta Mechanica

  9. Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences

  10. Advances in Difference Equations

  11. Advances in High Energy Physics

  12. Advances in Mathematical Physics

  13. Advances in Nonlinear Analysis

  14. Advances in Operator Theory

  15. Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics

  16. Aequationes Mathematicae

  17. Afrika Matematika

  18. African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics

  19. African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science

  20. AIMS Mathematics

  21. Alexandria Engineering Journal

  22. American Mathematical Monthly

  23. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta

  24. Analysis

  25. Analysis and Applications

  26. Analysis and Mathematical Physics

  27. Annales Mathematicae Silesianae

  28. Annales Polonici Mathematici

  29. Annales. Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio A. Mathematica

  30. Annali di Matematica

  31. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata

  32. Annals of Functional Analysis

  33. Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University - Mathematics

  34. Annals of Mathematics and Physics

  35. ANZIAM Journal

  36. Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics

  37. Applications and Applied Mathematics

  38. Applications of Mathematics

  39. Applied Mathematical Modelling

  40. Applied Mathematics. A Journal of Chinese Universities. Series A.

  41. Applied Mathematics E-Notes

  42. Applied Mathematics and Computation

  43. Applied Mathematics Letters

  44. Applied Numerical Mathematics

  45. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry

  46. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering

  47. Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

  48. Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

  49. Archiv der Mathematik

  50. Archive of Inequalities and Applications

  51. Arkiv för Matematik

  52. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics

  53. Asian Journal of Control

  54. Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

  55. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática

  56. Boundary Value Problems

  57. British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science

  58. Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques

  59. Bulletin of Calcutta Mathematical Society

  60. Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

  61. Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences

  62. Bulletin of the Allahabad Mathematical Society

  63. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society

  64. Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica New Series

  65. Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society

  66. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society

  67. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society

  68. Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly

  69. Canadian Journal of Mathematics

  70. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin

  71. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics

  72. Central European Journal of Mathematics

  73. Chaos

  74. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

  75. Chinese Physics Letters

  76. Cogent Mathematics

  77. Cognetive Neurodynamics

  78. Commentationes Mathematicae

  79. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara. Series A1. Mathematics and Statistics

  80. Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences

  81. Communications in Mathematical Analysis

  82. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

  83. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory

  84. Complexity

  85. Comptes Rendus Matehmatique

  86. Computational and Applied Mathematics

  87. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

  88. Computers and Mathematics with Applications

  89. Constructive Approximation

  90. Control and Cybernetics

  91. Creative Mathematics and Informatics

  92. CSIAM Transactions on Applied Mathematics

  93. CUBO Matematica Educacional

  94. Cumhuriyet Science Journal

  95. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

  96. Demonstratio Mathematica

  97. Differential Equations and Applications

  98. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems

  99. Discontinuity, Nonlinearly, and Complexity

  100. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems

  101. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B

  102. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society

  103. Dynamic Systems and Applications

  104. Dynamical Systems

  105. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems

  106. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B

  107. Ecological Complexity

  108. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations

  109. Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

  110. Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations

  111. Electronic Research Archive

  112. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis

  113. Entropy

  114. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

  115. Environmental Modeling and Assessment

  116. European Biophysics Journal

  117. European Journal of Mathematics

  118. European Journal of Operational Research

  119. European Physical Journal - Plus

  120. Evolution Equations and Control Theory

  121. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences

  122. Filomat

  123. 4Open

  124. Forum Mathematicum

  125. Fractal and Fractional

  126. Fractals

  127. Fractional Differential Calculus

  128. Frontiers of Mathematics in China

  129. Funckcialaj Ekvacioj

  130. Functional Differential Equations

  131. General Letters in Mathematics

  132. Georgian Matematical Journal

  133. Glasgow Matematical Journal

  134. Glasnik Matematicki

  135. Heat Transfer Research

  136. Herald Journal of Education and General Studies

  137. Honam Mathematical Journal

  138. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications

  139. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

  140. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems

  141. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks

  142. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

  143. IEEE Transactions of Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B

  144. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics

  145. IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information

  146. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

  147. Indian Journal of Mathematics

  148. Indian Journal of Science and Technology

  149. Information Sciences

  150. Information Sciences Letters

  151. Integral Transforms and Special Functions

  152. Integers

  153. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer

  154. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences

  155. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

  156. International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science

  157. International Journal of Astronautics and Aeronautical Engineering

  158. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos

  159. International Journal of Biomathematics

  160. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications

  161. International Journal of Computational Methods

  162. International Journal of Computer Mathematics

  163. International Journal of Control

  164. International Journal of Differential Equations

  165. International Journal of Evolution Equations

  166. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

  167. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences

  168. International Journal of Mathematics

  169. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

  170. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics

  171. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics

  172. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow

  173. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence

  174. International Journal of Physical Sciences

  175. International Journal of Systems Science

  176. International Journal of Thermal Sciences

  177. International Mathematics Research Notices

  178. Inverse Problems

  179. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering

  180. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology

  181. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

  182. Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya

  183. Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

  184. Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies

  185. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics

  186. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences

  187. Journal of Analysis

  188. Journal of Analysis & Number Theory

  189. Journal of Applied Analysis

  190. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation

  191. Journal of Applied Mathematics

  192. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing

  193. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics

  194. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics

  195. Journal of Applied Sciences

  196. Journal of Approximation Theory

  197. Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences

  198. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

  199. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering

  200. Journal of Computer Science

  201. Journal of Convex Analysis

  202. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications

  203. Journal of Differential Equations

  204. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems

  205. Journal of Economic Studies

  206. Journal of Engineering

  207. Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications

  208. Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications

  209. Journal of Function Spaces

  210. Journal of Geometrical Analysis

  211. Journal of Geometry

  212. Journal of Inequalities and Special Functions

  213. Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics

  214. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications

  215. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems

  216. Journal of King Saud University - Science

  217. Journal of Languages and Culture

  218. Journal of Mathematical Analysis

  219. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

  220. Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences

  221. Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Analysis

  222. Journal of Mathematical Biology

  223. Journal of Mathematical Extension

  224. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities

  225. Journal of Mathematical Modeling

  226. Journal of Mathematical Physics

  227. Journal of Mathematical Research and Applications

  228. Journal of Mathematical Sciences

  229. Journal of Mathematics

  230. Journal of Molecular Liquids

  231. Journal of Network and Systems Management

  232. Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis

  233. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics

  234. Journal of Nonlinear Science

  235. Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics

  236. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications

  237. Journal of Partial Differential Equations

  238. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical

  239. Journal of Physics: Conference Series

  240. Journal of Physics Research and Applications

  241. Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications

  242. Journal of Spectral Theory

  243. Journal of Taibah University for Science

  244. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

  245. Journal of the Franklin Institute

  246. Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society

  247. Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society

  248. Journal of the London Mathematical Society

  249. Journal of the Mathematical Ramanujan Society

  250. Journal of Theoretical Probability

  251. Journal of Zhejian University - Science A

  252. Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics

  253. Kyungpook Mathematical Journal

  254. Kuwait Journal of Science

  255. La Matematica

  256. Linear Algebra and its Applications

  257. Mathematical and Computational Applications

  258. Mathematical and Computer Modelling

  259. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering

  260. Mathematical Communications

  261. Mathematical Inequalities & Applications

  262. Mathematical Journal of Madrid Academy of Sciences

  263. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

  264. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis

  265. Mathematical Populations Studies

  266. Mathematical Problems in Engineering

  267. Mathematica Montisnigri

  268. Mathematica Scandinavika

  269. Matematica Slovaca

  270. Matematicki Vesnik

  271. Mathematics and Computers in Simulations

  272. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids

  273. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems

  274. Mathematische Annalen

  275. Mathematische Nachrichten

  276. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics

  277. Miskolc Mathematical Notes

  278. Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences

  279. Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications

  280. Monatshefte für Mathematik

  281. Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis

  282. Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures

  283. Neural Computing and Applications

  284. Neural Networks

  285. Neural Processing Letters

  286. Networks and Heteregeneous Media

  287. New York Journal of Mathematics

  288. Nihonkai Mathematical Journal

  289. Nonlinear Analysis

  290. Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems

  291. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control

  292. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications

  293. Nonlinear Dynamics

  294. Nonlinear Oscillations

  295. Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, IEICE

  296. North-Western European Journal of Mathematics

  297. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization

  298. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

  299. Open Mathematics

  300. Open Physics

  301. Operators and Matrices

  302. Optimization

  303. Optimization Letters

  304. PeerJ

  305. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica

  306. Physics Letters A

  307. Physics Research and Applications

  308. PLOS ONE

  309. Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute

  310. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

  311. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences

  312. Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics (Baku)

  313. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society

  314. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

  315. Proceedings Mathematical Sciences

  316. Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen

  317. Propulsion and Power Research

  318. Proyecciones

  319. Punjab University Journal of Mathematics

  320. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems

  321. Quaestiones Mathematicae

  322. Rad Hrvatske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti. Matematicke Znanosti

  323. Real Analysis Exchange

  324. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo

  325. Reports on Mathematical Physics

  326. Resultate der Mathematik

  327. Results in Applied Mathematics

  328. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matematicas

  329. Revista de la Union Matematica Argentina

  330. Revista Matematica Complutense

  331. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics

  332. Romanian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science

  333. Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis

  334. Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematics

  335. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics

  336. ScienceAsia

  337. ScienceAsia - Journal of the Science Society of Thailand

  338. Science China Mathematics

  339. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization

  340. Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences

  341. Signal Processing

  342. Soochow Journal of Mathematics

  343. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics

  344. SpringerPlus

  345. Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica

  346. Symmetry

  347. Systems and Control Letters

  348. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics

  349. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics

  350. Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences

  351. Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications

  352. Thai Journal of Mathematics

  353. The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society

  354. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

  355. Thermal Science

  356. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis

  357. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society

  358. Turkish Journal of Mathematics

  359. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics

  360. Ufa Mathematical Journal

  361. Umm Al-Qura University Journal of Applied Sciences

  362. Vietnam Journal of Mathematics

  363. Wave Motion

  364. ZAA

  365. ZAMM

Reviewer for the following Book Publishers
  1. Brooks/Cole

  2. CRC Press

  3. de Gruyter

  4. Harcourt Academic Press

  5. Houghton Mifflin

  6. John Wiley & Sons

  7. Springer

  8. Taylor and Francis

Reviewer for the following Agencies:
  1. African Research Initiative for Scientific Excellence

  2. Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

  3. Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (Great Britain)

  4. FWF Austrian Science Fund

  5. Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation

  6. Louisiana Board of Regents

  7. Mathematical Reviews

  8. National Research and Development Agency (ANID) of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of Chile

  9. National Science Center (Poland)

  10. National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

  11. National Science Foundation (USA)

  12. University of Missouri Research Board

Reviewer for numerous conference proceedings