Sathyanarayanan Sundaram

Education : Masters, Computer Science
Age : 24
Nationality : India
Birth Place : Coimbatore (A beautiful small city on
South India)
Industry/Professional Work Experience :
SANKHYA Technologies Private Limited, Chennai, India
( May 2001 – July 2003)
Degree’s Completed :
Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Science , Sri
Ramakrishna Engineering College, India 1997-2001
H.S.C , G.R.G Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore,
India (1995 -1997)
Hobbies and Interests :
I’m a Huge Manchester United Football (Soccer!!
As it is called in USA) Team fan. Like any other person
from India, Cricket is my religion and pride.
I like rock music especially 70’s and 80’s
rock featuring AC/DC , GNR, Nirvana, Metallica (Went
to Peoria Concert 2004), Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin,
Iron Maiden, etc etc..
I love road-trips and traveling with my friends.
I like bullying my friends and playing pranks on my
Favourite Quote: “Behind every successful women,
there lies an exhausted man.”
A Change detection algorithm
for Unordered XML Documents (XSQL)