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Data Management in Cloud Computing

The 'Cloud' commonly used as a metaphor for the internet, represents a network of computers serving clients as per their requests. But when combined with the word "computing" it now represents a network of services, thus upgrading the traditional client-server architecture to a more mature Service oriented architecture (SOA). This architecture allows service providers to provision anything from hardware to software as a service. Clients can utilize these services as required, they can add/remove hardware/software stacks at a moments notice and at a reasonably minimum cost, thus improving a lot on commercial efficiency. But as these services are hosted in the service provider's network, service clients have to be cautious as their data is now in a completely alien domain. This domain not only boils down to network periphery but also to geological boundaries, which introduces security issues like data privacy, integrity and availability. This research focuses on issues in the context of data tracking. We implement a novel data tracking mechanism that monitors the user's data as it moves in the vendor's network.


Makarand Bhonsle


Dr. Sanjay Madria