Michael C. Davis

Associate Professor of Economics

Missouri University of Science and Technology


101 Harris Hall

301 W. 14th St.

Rolla, MO 65409-1250

(573) 341-6959



Primary Fields:

Macroeconomics, Applied Econometrics, Sports Economics, Energy Economics




University of California, San Diego 1995 – 2001


Ph.D. in Economics, 2001


            M.A. in Economics, 1999


Thesis Title: Dynamic Models of Price Changes


Thesis Chair: James D. Hamilton


Thesis Committee: 

Wouter Den Haan, Alan Sorensen, Nathaniel Beck (Political Science), Philip Gill (Mathematics)


College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia 1991-1995


            B.S. in Mathematics, 1995


Positions Held:


Missouri University of Science and Technology (Formerly University of Missouri-Rolla)

Associate Professor of Economics (2008-present)

Assistant Professor of Economics (2002-2008)

Lecturer (2001)

Courses taught have included principles of macroeconomics, principles of microeconomics, intermediate macroeconomics, sports economics, money and banking, public finance, international finance and economic statistics.


University of California, San Diego

Teaching Assistant (1996-2000)

Duties included grading, teaching sections, holding office hours and organizing grades.  Classes included macroeconomics, microeconomics, econometrics, corporate finance and operations research.


Research Assistant (1997)

Organized data and performed statistical analysis for Prof. Joel Sobel.




Refereed Journal Articles:


Davis, Michael C. (2021), An Examination of the Effects of Environmental Regulations on Retail Gasoline Price Seasonality.” Contemporary Economic Policy, 39(1), 178-193.


Schussele, Sammi and Michael Davis (2020). “Waving the White Flag: The Attendance Effects of Trading Away Talent by Contending Teams” New York Economic Review, 51, 35-43.


Davis, Michael C., Craig Palsson and Joe P. Price “Taxing the Opposition: Cactus League Attendance and the Efficiency of the ‘Cubs Tax’”.  International Journal of Sport Finance, 2013, 8, 157-170.  


Davis, Michael C. and Christian M. End.  “A Winning Proposition: The Economic Impact of Successful NFL Franchises” Economic Inquiry, 2010, 48, 39-50.


Davis, Michael C. “Environmental Regulations and the Increasing Seasonality of Gasoline Prices  Applied Economics Letters, 2009, 16, 1613-1616  


End, Christian M.; Michael C. Davis, Jeff M. Kretschmar, Jamonn Campbell, David G. Mueller, Shaye S.  Worthman. " Missed Call?  A Re-examination of Sport Fans’ and Nonfans’ Alcohol Usage and Alcohol Related Experiences " Sociological Spectrum: Mid-South Sociological Association, 2009, 29, 649-658.


Davis, Michael C.  "Analyzing the Relationship Between Team Success and MLB Attendance with GARCH Effects", Journal of Sports Economics, Feb 2009, 10, 44-58.


Ovlia, Vincent L., David Enke and  Michael C Davis.  “The Effects of Congressional Elections on Future Equity Market Returns”, Global Journal of Business Research, 2008, 2, 1-16.


Davis, Michael C. “The interaction between baseball attendance and winning percentage: A VAR analysis.” International Journal of Sports Finance, 2008, 3(1), 58-73.


Davis, Michael C. “The Dynamics of Daily Retail Gasoline Prices” Managerial and Decision Economics, 2007, 28, 713-722.


Davis, Michael C. “Called Up to the Big Leagues: An Examination of the Factors Affecting the Location of Minor League Baseball Teams” International Journal of Sports Finance, 2006, 1, 253-264.


Davis, Michael C. and James D. Hamilton, "Why Are Prices Sticky? The Dynamics of Wholesale Gasoline Prices," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, February 2004, vol. 36, pp. 17-37.


Editorially-Reviewed Articles:


Davis, Michael and Karl E. Burgher  “Paying to Succeed: Lessons from the Literature” College and University, 2015, 90(2): 53-58.


Davis, Michael; Karl E. Burgher, and Stephanie Jefferson  “Predictive Analytics for Student Retention: Programmatic Evaluation and Resource Allocation” College and University, 2014, 89(2): 47-54.


Davis, Michael C. and Karl Burgher.  “Predictive Analytics for Student Retention – Group vs. Individual Behavior”.  College and University, 2013, 88(4):63–72.


Davis, Michael C. “"On Which Days Do Gasoline Stations Raise Prices?"” Atlantic Economic Journal (Anthology Section), 2010, 38, 113-114.


Davis, Michael C. “Income and the Locations of AAA Minor League Baseball Teams” Atlantic Economic Journal (Anthology Section), 2007, 35, 371-372.



Book Chapters:


Davis, Michael C. and Christian M. End “Team Success, Productivity and Economic Impact” eds. Placido Rodriguez, Stefan Kesenne and Brad Humphreys The Economics of Sport, Health and Happiness: The Promotion of Well-Being through Sporting Activities, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2011, 151-162.


Davis, Michael C. “New Franchise Location in Major and Minor League Baseball,” eds. B. R. Humphreys and D. R. Howard, The Business of Sports. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2008, 147-166.


Working Papers:


Davis, Michael C. “Rival Leagues and Competitive Balance: An Analysis of the Creation of the Indy Racing League”Manuscript, Department of Economics, Missouri University of Science and Technology.    


Bodine, Ariel and Michael C. Davis “Putt for Show, Drive for Off-Course Dough” Manuscript, Department of Economics, Missouri University of Science and Technology.  


Davis, Michael C. and Guy Yamashiro “Oil Price Shocks and Firm Costs” Manuscript, Department of Economics, Missouri University of Science and Technology.

 Funded Research:


PI “Predictive Modeling of Student Success”, Indiana State University, 2013, $15,000. 


PI  Using Best Practices to Model Economic and Non-Economic Benefits of Transportation Research in Missouri” Missouri Transportation Institute, 2007,  (Personal Portion: $19,527; Total Grant: $37, 551)


Co-PI “Better Understanding the Value of NCHRP 20-63 Performance Measurement Tool” Missouri Transportation Institute, 2006, (Personal portion: $1475; Total grant: $4916)


PI: “Gasoline Price Seasonality and Environmental Standards”, University of Missouri Research Board, 2005, $17,000


PI: Quality Management Plan Mine Waste Technology Program from Montana Tech, 2004, $15,000


Paper Presentations:


“Individual Skills and Total Earnings of Golfers”

            Missouri Valley Economic meetings in Memphis, October 2018


“The Impact on Regional GDP of Professional Sports”

            Missouri Valley Economic meetings in St. Louis, October 2016


“Putt for Show, Drive for Off-Course Dough” 

            Western Economic Association meetings in Portland, June 2016


“A Baseball Arbitration Classroom Experiment”

            Missouri Valley Economic meetings in St. Louis, October 2014


“Rival Leagues and Competitive Balance: An Analysis of the Creation of the Indy Racing League”

            Missouri Valley Economic meetings in St. Louis, October 2014

Western Economic Association meetings in Denver, June 2014


“Waving the White Flag: The Attendance Effects of Trading Away Talent by Contending Teams”

            Missouri Valley Economic Association in Kansas City, October 2013

Eastern Economic Association meeting in New York, May 2013


“Oil Price Shock and Firm Costs”

            Western Economic Association meetings in San Francisco, June 2012


“Taxing the Opposition: Cactus League Attendance and the Efficiency of the ‘Cubs Tax’”

Missouri Valley Economic Association meetings in Kansas City, October 2011


“Cost Effects of Oil Price Shocks”

            Western Economic Association meetings in San Diego, July 2011


“Team Success, Productivity and Economic Impact”

            V Gijon Conference on Sports Economics in Gijon, Asturias, Spain, May 2010


An Examination of the Effects of Environmental Regulations on Retail Gasoline Price Seasonality

Missouri Valley Economic Association meetings in Kansas City, October 2019

Midwest Economic Association meetings in St. Louis, March 2011

American Economic Association meetings in Atlanta, January 2010

Western Economic Association International meetings in Seattle, June 2007


“The Price of Textbooks: Do Students Really Care?”

            Missouri Valley Economic Association in Kansas City, October 2009

(Co-presented with Julie Gallaway)


“Analyzing the Importance of Team Success on Individual MLB Attendance when Considering ARCH Effects”

Western Economic Association International meetings in Waikiki, July 2008

International Atlantic Economic Conference in Savannah, October 2007


“Environmental Regulations and the Increasing Seasonality of Gasoline Prices

Southern Economic Association meetings in Charleston, November 2006

            Missouri Valley Economic Association meetings in Kansas City, October 2005


“Called Up to the Big Leagues: An Examination of the Factors Affecting the Location of Minor League Baseball Teams”

Missouri Valley Economic Association meetings in Minneapolis, October 2006


“Attendance and Competitive Balance in MLB: A VAR Analysis”

Missouri Valley Economic Association meetings in Kansas City, October 2007

Western Economic Association International meetings in San Diego, June 2006.


“The Impact of Gasoline Price Movements on the Macroeconomy       

Western Economic Association International meetings in San Francisco, July 2005.

            Midwest Economic Association meetings in Milwaukee, March 2005


“The Economic Impact of Basking in the Reflected Glory of a Super Bowl Victory”

            Missouri Economic Conference in Columbia, MO, March 2008

International Association of Sports Economist meetings in Ottawa, June 2005

            Western Economic Association International meetings in Vancouver, July 2004


“Public R&D, Private R&D and the Market for Scientists”

Midwestern Economic Association meetings in Chicago, March 2004


“Effect of a Rival League on Competitive Balance”

Missouri Valley Economic Association meetings in Kansas City, February 2004


“Price Dynamics in a Retail Gasoline Market”

Midwestern Economic Association meetings in St. Louis, March 2003.

Western Economic Association International meetings in Seattle, July 2002.


“The Dynamics of Wholesale Gasoline Prices”

Western Economic Association International meetings in San Francisco, July 2001.

University of Missouri-Rolla, February 2001


Ongoing Research:


An analysis of the importance of credit markets to the impact of oil price shocks to the macroeconomy. (with Guy Yamashiro of Cal State Long Beach)


Graduate Student Committees:


Prince Titus Codjoe (Ph.D., Engineering Management, current)


Scott Arias (Ph.D., Construction, Indiana State University, 2014)


Jianjun Deng (Ph.D., Engineering Management, 2012)


Meng Yu (Ph.D., Engineering Management, 2012)


Amanda Alpaugh (M.S., Engineering Management, 2008)


Thira Chavarnakul (Ph.D., Engineering Management, 2007)


Vince Ovlia (M.S., Engineering Management, 2005)



Undergraduate Research Advising:


Vincent Parker (OURE, 2016-2017)


Arielle Bodine (OURE, 2014-2015)


Louis Volpe (OURE, 2014-2015)


Samantha Schussele (OURE, 2008-2011)


Natalie McGavock (OURE, 2007)


Richard Schoenborn (OURE, 2006)



University of Missouri Leadership Development Program (2010-2011)


TIP Phase I Workshop (San Antonio, 2008)

            Finished work for TIP Phase II in June of 2010, still awaiting official recognition.


UMR Grant Writing Workshop (2003-2004)


University of Missouri New Faculty Teaching Scholars (2002-2003)





Missouri University of Science and Technology Faculty Service Award (2013)


Freshman Engineering “We Love Your Class” Award (2008)


University Service:


Faculty Senate

            Past President (2012-2013)

President (2011-2012)

President-Elect (2010-2011)

Parliamentarian (2009-2010)

            Senator (2002-2004, 2008-2019)

UM-System Retirement Plan Advisory Committee (2010-2011)

Representative to IFC (2010-2012)

Representative to Missouri Association of Faculty Senates (2010-2011)

Graduate Faculty Council Department Representative (2015-2019)


Smart Living Faculty Search Committee (2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018)

Economics Department Search Committee (2002-2003, 2014, 2016-2017, 2017-2018)

Dean of Arts, Science and Business Search Committee (2014)

Librarian Search Committee (2013)

Registrar Search Committee (2012)

SMIS Dean Search Committee (2003)


Missouri S&T Woman of the Year Selection Committee (2015-2017)

Campus Master Plan Steering Committee (2013-2014)

Campus Master Plan Advisory Committee (2013-2014)

Best-In-Class Review Committee (2013-2014)

Chancellor Scholarship Committee (2015, 2016)

Rock Mechanics Program Review (2007)

Sustainability Minor Committee (2010-2012)


Rules, Procedure and Agenda Committee (2009-2015, 2017-2018)

            Chair (2012-2013)

Tenure Committee (2008-2009, 2011-2012, 2013-2016)

            Chair (2013-2015)

Personnel Committee (2008-2010, 2013-2015, 2017-2019)

            Chair (2017-2018)

Curricula Committee (2019-2021)

Public Occasions Committee (2012-2014)

Parking Committee (2010-2012)

Information Technology Committee (2002-2009)

Ad-Hoc Bylaws Revision Committee (2008-2009)

Student Award and Financial Aid Committee (2003-2005)


EQ Coordinator (2019-2020)




Academic Service:



American Economic Review, Journal of Economics (MVEA), The Energy Journal, Contemporary Economic Policy, Energy Economics, Transportation Research Board, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Southern Economic Journal, Economic Inquiry, Journal of Sports Economics, Economic Letters, Journal of Energy Policy, Eastern Economic Journal.



Leeds, Michael and Peter von Allmen (2005).  The Economics of Sports, 2e.




Eastern Economic Association meetings: May 2013

Midwestern Economic Association meetings: March 2003, March 2004, March 2005 and March 2011

Missouri Valley Economic Association meetings: February 2004, October 2005, October 2006,  October 2011 and October 2013

Southern Economic Association Meetings: November 2006

Western Economic Association International meetings: July 2002, July 2005, July 2006, June 2007, July 2008, July 2011, July 2012 and July 2014



Professional Affiliations:


Western Economic Association International, North American Association of Sports Economists, Missouri Valley Economic Association





Research Related Media Experience:


KY3-TV, Springfield, MO       

Wake Up Rolla, Rolla, MO      

Calgary Herald, Calgary, Alberta          

Rolla Daily News, Rolla, MO  

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Pittsburgh, PA

KUMR, Rolla, MO

Columbia Missourian, Columbia, MO

Kansas City Star, Kansas City, MO

nwitimes.com  Munster, IN

Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, IN

Slate Magazine

Boston Globe, Boston, MA

San Diego Union Tribune, San Diego, CA

St. Louis Post Dispatch, St. Louis, MO

MinnPost.com, Minneapolis, MN.

The Birmingham News, Birmingham, AL.

Newsday.com, Melville, NY

SCBIZ, Mount Pleasant, SC

Daily Iowan, Iowa City, IA

New Orleans Times-Picayune, New Orleans, LA


Daily Camera, Boulder, CO

Fox Sports Kansas City, Kansas City, MO

KCUR, Kansas City, MO

KTTR, Rolla, MO

KIRO, Seattle, WA

Kansas City Beacon, Kansas City, MO