Tension Test Data
The following data sets are from tensile tests on cylindrical steel (sets 1,2 and 3) and aluminum (sets 4, 5, and 6) samples. The elongation values for all six samples were obtained at the same values of axial force. In the next week or two you will perform your own tension tests, but for now we will simply use this data to practice our spreadsheet skills.
Data Set
1Data Set
2Data Set
3Data Set
4Data Set
5Data Set
6Force (lb) Elongation (10-4 inches) 2100 18.0 16.3 17.4 55.0 58.0 63.0 3925 32.8 31.8 33.8 104.5 103.2 109.5 6225 52.2 50.3 54.3 164.2 158.2 164.3 7800 64.0 63.8 67.6 200.0 192.5 203.4 9850 80.7 81.3 85.4 254.0 242.0 253.0 Specimen Geometry
diameter = 0.625 inchesgage length = 8.00 inches
stress = force / cross-sectional areastrain = elongation / gage length