Operations Shack at NAF Atsugi, the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force
(JMSDF) air base closest to Yokohama and Tokyo. We passed in and
out of here on our way to 7th Fleet ASW ops, headquartered at nearby
Kami Seya.

Shinmeiwa PS-1 turboprop powered amphibian of the Japanese Maritime
Self Defense Force photographed at Atsugi in April 1988. Maritime
patrol aircraft were predominately seaplanes up through the late 1950s.
JMSDF also used P-3C Update "2-1/2's", like that seen on the

Romeo Papa ONE SIX taxing at Osan AFB in South Korea in Aug 1990.
We affectionately referred to our Osan stopovers as the “K-Mart
shoppers special” flights because of all the inexpensive paraphernalia
we would acquire in a few hours perusing Osan’s countless shops.
I purchased miniature flight jackets and flight suits with appropriate
embroidery for all my kids.
or comments on this page?
E-mail Dr. J David Rogers at rogersda@mst.edu.
