A warmer outpost known throughout the Navy for its legendary shenanigans,
this is Naval Air Station Cubi Point, on the edge of Subic Bay in the
Philippines. The Officers Club sported an enormous collection
of WESTPAC deployment plaques, now in the custody of the Museum of Naval
Aviation in Pensacola.

Runway approach at NAS Cubi Point, with Subic Bay and dormant volcanoes
in the background. During the eruption of Mt Pinatubo in June
1991, most personnel were was evacuated to Maactan International Airport
in Cebu. Tons of ash from the eruption covered the facility, causing
many roofs to collapse. The clean-up cost millions, but the base
was given to the Philippine government less than a year later.

This is view of the flight line at Cubi Point during my first visit
in early 1988. The Bataan Peninsula abuts Subic Bay. The
peninsula is filled with relics of the Second World War, which I enjoyed

Patwing One ASWOC at Cubi Point. We tried to have a meaningful
dialogue with the operators here, but failed to convince them of our
doctrines. A number of Soviet subs gracefully evaded this ASWOC's
attempts to detect South China Sea transits. Through it all I
learned some things about organizational behavior.
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E-mail Dr. J David Rogers at rogersda@mst.edu.
