Hermann Hall at the Naval Postgraduate School at Monterey,
CA. This used to be the Del Monte Hotel, which dates back
to 1880 (the present structure was built in 1925 after the second fire).
The Navy took over the hotel during World War II and moved the
postgraduate school from Annapolis to Monterey in 1951. Our family
loved staying here during my duty periods and we enjoyed many Sundays
in the post chapel.

While serving at the Naval Postgraduate School in 1992 I was
awarded the Navy Commendation Medal by Vice Admiral Edwin R. Kohn, Commander
Naval Air Force US Pacific Fleet, for my work on PATWINGSPAC Tactical
Training Team, with particular emphasis on my preparation of Navy air
crews during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in 1990-91.

From August ’91 to March ’93 I served as Security Manager
with NAVMIC 2020 at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey. This
was my official portrait during that period.
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E-mail Dr. J David Rogers at rogersda@mst.edu.
