During our trips to the Persian Gulf we tried to catch some R &
R at Pataya Beach in the Gulf of Thailand, landing at U-Tapao Royal
Thai Naval Air Base. This enormous base once served a wing of giant
B-52s during the Vietnam War. I had my first encounter with a
real live double agent here, but, thankfully, had received appropriate
warning just before landing.

LT Rick Cutting and I posing in front of an ex-American C-47 gunship
at RTNAB U-Tapao, where it was soldiering on as a rain seeder, dispensing
iodide droplets during drought periods! Rick and I were the same
age and we routinely worked out together. He could lift more weights
than me, but I could run faster than him!

One of the 572 emerald isles of the Nicobar and Andaman Islands, a chain
of atolls, cays and islets 700 km long between Burma and Indonesia.
Soviet submarines occasionally made monkeys out of us in this area...
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E-mail Dr. J David Rogers at rogersda@mst.edu.
