

Here is the Scrubs Meeting Schedule

( All meetings will be in Schrenk 126)

Fall Semester 2011


October 26 - Scrubs meeting noon


November 5- Practice test for the MCAT in Bio Sci Lounge

from 10:00 to noon


November 9- Scrubs meeting noon


November 30- Scrubs meeting noon


December 7-Scrubs meeting noon


Spring Semester 2011 ( All meetings will be in Schrenk 126)

January 21, Practice MCAT


January 25, (Meeting) Medicolegal Death Investigator talking about Forensic Pathology

February 8, (Meeting) Hospice Volunteer Coordinator


February 22, (Meeting) AHEC Representative


March 7, (Meeting) Mizzou Medical School Representative


March 21, (Meeting)


April 11, (Meeting) Elections


April 25, (Meeting) Kaplan Representative



Scrubs News

  • Scrubs Names Most Improved student organization for 2007/2008

  • 5 S&T Alumni Graduate from the University of MIssouri School of Medicine!