
Dr. Robert G. Landers, PhD.

Curators’ Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department

Missouri University of Science and Technology

(formerly University of Missouri–Rolla)

279A Toomey Hall; 400 West 13th Street; Rolla, Missouri 65409–0050

Phone: (573) 341–4586          Fax: (573) 341–6899


Instruction      People      Research      Resume


Research Interests: modeling, analysis, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processes (laser metal deposition, glass direct energy deposition, selective laser melting, freeze–form extrusion fabrication of ceramics, metal cutting, friction stir welding, wire saw machining), estimation and control of alternative energy systems (hydrogen fuel cells and lithium ion batteries), and digital control applications.


A list of my publications and grants can be found in my resume. A list of my publications including citations can be found on my Google Scholar page.



I am always looking to hire outstanding doctoral students for my research program. Interested students should email me at Include your resume, transcripts (unofficial are fine), GRE and TOEFL (if applicable) scores, and any English language technical publications for which you are the first author.


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