Project 5: Building Design
This project will use the same groups as in Projects 3 and 4.
As a group, complete the following nine steps by your section's lab period during the week of November 28-December 2. You should be ready to discuss and/or show your results during that lab period.
Step 1.
have each group design a building from the following using similar approach to Projects 2, 3 and 4
create cost estimate; virtual or physical model
ask them to "show off" their skills with topics from later in the semester?
Step 2.
have them create a video as their end-of-semester presentation, instead of giving a face-to-face or VCC presentation
- provide links to free editing software (cut and splice)
- can this be included in wiki?
Step 3.
- frame shear
- provide small 2x4 frame to each group
- students design efficient way to brace corners
- students buy bracing materials
- rank designs (and scores) by maximum force / cost
- efficient connection contest
- provide 2x4s pre-cut with 45-degree angle on both ends so that they can be tested in 4485
- students design how to efficiently connect them
- rank designs (and scores) by maximum force / cost
- show example connection loaded in testing machine
- explain that the cut ends must be in line in order to sit correctly in testing machine
- if a box of nails is purchased, only include the pro-rated cost for the nails used in the connection
- OR could have them model the roof connections in the storage building they picked
- beam-load contest
- 3-point loading using 4469 and/or 4485
- students predict max load beforehand
- score is based on how close they get to the actual value
- they buy their own board
- give them the max. allowable span ... or give a fixed span length
- give max size of beam that can fit in testing machines
- give diameter of rollers
- allow them to place the beams on edge or flat?
- compare to results from Project 3
- beam-deflection contest
- students predict deflection for a specified load and span
- use lathe-bed fixture with dead weights, dial gages
- require that the beam must not break during testing
- compare to results from Project 3
- test plywood, 2x4 attachment with different nails and spacings
- wood tension in 4485
- wood compression parallel and perpendicular to grain in 4469
- see if stud can support estimated compressive loads from Project 3
- check bearing between stud and floor, plywood, etc
- Janka hardness tests
- fastener withdrawal tests
- moisture content tests
Step 4.
Step 5.
Flex Your (physical and mental) Muscles
- uniform loads vs point load
- uniform loads --> max stress
- point load --> influence lines, max deflections
- no kits
- references to sources of inspiration
- build model
- 8'x12' shed with 36" door and ? window (provide rough opening sizes)
- provide foundation?
- different location for each team
- give wind exposure letter? p. 42
- give $ limit?
- no shelves
- give fastener schedule? -- don't focus on fasteners, connections
- not just structural students take the class -- have the design footings (assume 3000 psf)
Step 6.