Mathematics and Missouri S&T

American Mathematical Society
Linda Hall Library Private science library located on UMKC campus
Mathematics Archives WWW Server
Mathematics Information Servers Courtesy of Penn State University
The Mathematical Association of America
The Missouri MAA Section Check out the Missouri College Contest for undergraduates.
A map of the MissouriMAA Section
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Mathematics Courtesy of Florida State University
Wolfram Research, Makers of Mathematica
Famous Curves Index From the Astroid to the Witch of Agnesi
Quotes that I like about mathematics and related topics.


Abbey's Web Devoted to the life and work of Edward Abbey
Car Talk Time can be wasted here if you're not careful
Color Landform Atlas of the United States Nice US maps
ESPNET SportsZone
H.P. Bookfinders They found a book for me, but it got lost in the mail. Getting a refund was no problem.
L.L. Bean
THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet Keep an eye on Congress
travlang front page Contains links to plan airline flights, make reservations, and more
Upton Tea Imports If you are a tea drinker you need to know about this company

Leon Hall / / July 10, 2009