Dave and Jonathan in Navy flight suits in Oct 1990, when Dave was anticipating
wartime duty in the Persian Gulf.

Jonathan in his miniature flight suit, around Halloween 1990.
He preferred the Marine cover because the color matched.

In August and September 1991 the family joined Dave during his Navy duty in
Hawaii. We stayed at four different places and took in a few of
the tourist events, like this ride on the revolutionary Navatek.

In April 1992 Dave took his parents Dallas and Betty to England and
France in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the US 8th Force
deploying to the European Theater during World War II. This is
one of the articles that appeared in an English newspaper.

Trinka, Christie and Jonathan riding a fiberglass killer whale at MarineWorld
in Vallejo during one of their many trips there, when we had a family
pass. Taken around 1992.

Jonathan and Christie (far right) at a Civil war reenactment at Naval
Weapons Station Concord in the fall of 1993. They are shown posing
with Co. B of the 14th Tennessee Infantry.

Christmas 1993 family picture.

Between 1986-94 we went skiing as a family as much as we could afford.
This shows our last trip, in the spring of 1994, on the west side of
Lake Tahoe.

My older brothers Robert and Brian and my parents Dallas and Betty Rogers
on their 50th wedding anniversary in July 1994. My parents are
wearing the same clothes they were married in a half century earlier!
My father is wearing his Army Air Corps uniform while my oldest brother Robert and I are
wearing our Navy summer whites.

Family photo taken at 50th wedding anniversary of Dave’s parents
in Medford, Oregon in July 1994

Our family visiting Butchart Gardens in Victoria, BC during the annual
meeting of the Geological Society of America in Seattle in November
1994. The entire clan was ready to move to Victoria after that

Dave sitting on the 31 BC scarp of the Jericho fault in the ruins of
Qumran, near the Dead Sea in Israel. This is where the Dead Sea
scrolls were discovered in the late 1940s. The photo was taken
in August 1995, shortly after Dave's father passed away.

Birthday breakfast for Dave on May 16, 1996.

Beckie and Jonathan visiting with Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin during
a book singing in Walnut Creek in September 1996.

In October and November 1996 we took an 11,000 mile cross-country tour
as part of Dave’s Jahns Lectureship in Engineering Geology.
This view of the Capitol Mall was taken on November 1, 1996.

Professor Allen Hatheway kindly offered his General Patton Command Car
for a picture during our Jahns Lecture tour stop at the University of
Missouri-Rolla in mid-November 1996.

Dave and Christie dressed for high tea in commemoration of Christie’s
13th birthday in February 1997.

Dave and Uncle Ted Belden took the Rogers kids on a backpacking trip
across the San Jacinto Mountains and Mt. San Jacinto (10,834 ft) in
early June 1997. Beckie departed for college later that month.

Julianna Sarah Rogers joined our family on October 28, 1997. She
is about 5 months old in this view.

Dave and Jonathan in front of B-17 bomber on Memorial Day 1998.
Earlier that day Dave had been the keynote speaker at ceremonies dedicating
the Contra Costa County Veterans Memorial in Pleasant Hill, CA

Dave holding Julie (8 months old) along with Beckie and Christie in
June 1998, outside our front door.

In August 1998 Dave and Jonathan hitched a ride on the submarine USS
Bates from Pearl Harbor to Lahaina, then rode bikes all over Maui. Here
they are on the summit of Haleakala Crater (10,023 feet), before riding
down to Haiku, 29 miles distant.

Rogers family at Christmas 1998. Beckie was attending the University
of New Mexico in Albuquerque.

Jonathan built his first large robot for a homeschool science fair in
March 1999. It was as big as him and could perform many rudimentary
motions, short of actually walking.

Beckie, Julie, Jonathan and Christie at Christmas 1999.
yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart"
Psalm 37:4
or comments on this page?
E-mail Dr. J David Rogers at rogersda@mst.edu.
