Beckie graduated from UNM with a double major in history and political
science with honors in May 2000.

Men in White: Clarke and Dave in summer whites at the NROTC graduation
ceremonies at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque in May 2000.
Clarke had graduated from UNM in 1998 and was in flight school at the
time. 1-1/2 years later he became our son-in-law!

Dave commissioned Beckie as a new Naval intelligence officer in July

Rogers family at Thanksgiving, Nov 2000 (left to right) Beckie, Christie,
Dave, Jonathan, Julie and Trinka

Grandfather Chaplain Colonel Myr Guy and Beckie in uniform November

Christie’s senior picture at Rolla High School, October 2001
Christie works as a freelance costume designer in Hollywood.

Our son-in-law Clarke being promoted to senior Lieutenant in Bahrain
in June 2002. He was pilot with Navy Squadron VRC-40 deployed
aboard USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67). Buzz haircut was result of
losing a bet

LTJG Rebecca undergoing CAST recovery training with the Navy
Seals of EOD-2 somewhere off the Atlantic coast in August 2002.
That’s our Beck!

Little Daniel Myrwood Rogers joined our family on Saturday October 5,
2002, born at home without drugs or scalpels. He is being held
by proud brother Jonathan (14) in November 2002.

Clarke and Beckie having their second Thanksgiving together Nov 2002,
after Clarke had returned from deployment to Afghanistan.

Jonathan (14) in December 2002

Trinka in December 2002

Julie (age 5) in June 2003

Daniel in June 2003 (9 months old)

Daniel in June 2003

Beckie in battle dress uniform she wears each day as the staff intel
officer (N2) attached to Atlantic Fleet Explosives Ordnance and Disposal
Group 2 (2002-2003)

Dave (49), grad student Kevin James (24), son Jonathan Rogers (14), and grad students Conor Watkins (24)
and Craig Kaibel (22) standing on Monument Point along North Rim of
the Grand Canyon, after completing backpacking research trip into Surprise
Valley and Thunder River studying ancient landslides, in May 2003.

Daniel Rogers on his first birthday, October 5, 2003

We spent Thanksgiving 2003 with Beckie and Clarke in Norfolk, Virginia.
Here we are behind the battleship Wisconsin (BB-64), tied up at the
maritime museum in Norfolk, a few blocks from their apartment.
Left to right: Jonathan (15), Daniel (1), Dave (49), Trinka (48), Julie
(6) and Beckie (25). Clarke took the photo.
Julie mimicking mermaid statue in Norfolk, VA over Thanksgiving weekend

Missouri Boy in bib overalls: Trinka and Daniel mugging for Clarke’s
camera next to Nauticus, the new maritime museum in Norfolk. November

hard at work on his laptop in Dad’s GIS Lab at UMR in January
2004. This is his favorite place to spend time away from home.
yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart"
Psalm 37:4
or comments on this page?
E-mail Dr. J David Rogers at rogersda@mst.edu.
