About Us
Are you interested in going to Medical, Dental or Veterinary School after finishing your degree at Missouri S&T? Perhaps you are interested in Physical Therapy, Pharmacy or other health care professional schools. If you are,Scrubs is the club for you! Scrubs is open to students from any Missouri S&T degree program who are interested in health care related careers, Scrubs meets regularly during the school year to talk about the process of preparing for and applying to health care professional schools. We invite speakers representing various health care professions, including local practicing professionals and Missouri S&T alumni. Our meetings are a great opportunity to meet like-minded students and create a network of friends to share ideas and prepare for health care professional school. If you are interested in joining, come to one of our meetings or contact one of the Scrubs officers . Click on the Calendar link to see our meeting schedule or contact an officer to be added to the Scrubs listserv or keep your eyes open for notices posted in Schrenk Hall.
Who are we?
Scrubs 2010