A Hardware-Software Debugging Interface for the 8051





A special-purpose Hardware-Software Debugging interface was designed to work with our 8051 VHDL model and with Mentor Graphics design automation tools.  The interface allows the user to look at what’s going on inside the 8051 and at values in memory while stepping through their code and simultaneously co-simulating their software and hardware.  The interface shows the contents of code memory, the current instruction, and the current values of internal registers like the instruction register, PSW, ACC, and more (see Figures below).  The user can set break points or may optionally bring up additional windows to view external or internal memory blocks, or to view information about timers, I/O ports, interrupts, or the serial port.  The interface actively issues commands to and reads results from Mentor Graphics simulation tools, so all simulation results are generated by Mentor Graphics from the interaction between the user’s software and hardware designs.  To get a copy of the Tcl/Tk 8051 debugger, please proceed to our models page.  For additional information about the model, see:

§         L. Verma, H. J. Pottinger, and D. G. Beetner, "A Software Debugger Interface for an 8051 Hardware Model," 2003 Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education, June 2003.

§         L. Verma, D. Beetner, H. Pottinger, “A Tcl/Tk Debugging Interface for a VHDL 8051 Microcontroller Model,” Mentor Graphics Users Group 2003 conference proceedings, 2003.

§         L. Verma, Development of Educational Materials Teaching Hardware-Software Co-Design: Laboratories and A Debugger Interface for an 8051 VHDL Model, Masters thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2003. (Chapter 3: A  hardware-software debugger interface).


Figure 1. The user may view the contents of internal registers while executing instructions one instruction-cycle or one clock-cycle at a time.




Figure 2. Users may bring up additional windows to view internal or external memory blocks or to view status of timers, I/O ports, interrupts, or the serial port.




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