Collaborations, Visitors and Visits

  • In August of 2015 while the Mars Rover Design team competed in the European Rover Challenge, we were able to stop by Zbigniew Kisiel's laboratory at the Polish Academy of Sciences.
  • Jens-Uwe Grabow was kind enough to pay our lab a visit in June of 2014. He helped in counseling Dr. Grubbs in setting up one of the spectrometers on his famous software package, FTMW++.
  • In October 2013, the group traveled to the UK and visited Prof. Brian Howard's group at Oxford University. Brian was very gracious and allowed us to purchase two of his FTMW instruments for minimal cost.

  • We are currently collaborating with Asst. Prof. Kristen Donnell of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Missouri S&T to look at high powered microwave heating and condensed phase chemical physics with this technique. We were recently awarded funding through the National Science Foundation for this research! We are also collaborating on microwave spectroscopy circuit design experiments.
  • Before his retirement, Prof. James Durig of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Missouri-Kansas City visited our lab to do a collaboration where we were working on the structure and spectroscopy of some small ring molecules. Durig was accompanied by one of his students.
  • Jon Hougen, Scientist Emeritus at NIST, visited the laboratory in February of 2016! He gave a seminar to the Missouri S&T Chemistry Department and toured nearby Brewer Science, Inc. He brought wonderful insight and mentorship to the group and showed phenomenal interest in all of our students at Missouri S&T!
  • We have a standing collaboration with Prof. Stew Novick (far left) and Prof. Emeritus Pete Pringle (far right) of the Department of Chemistry at Wesleyan University. Here is a photo taken of our combined groups when we visited in April of 2014 for the Undergraduate Symposium on High Resolution Spectroscopy.
  • We have a standing collaboration with Assoc. Prof. Richard Dawes of the Department of Chemistry at Missouri S&T. Prof. Dawes research interests include calculating precisely the potential energy surfaces of small molecules. His contributions are very helpful in determining the electronic states of heavy metal atom-containing molecules like lanthanides and actinides.
  • We have a standing collaboration with Prof. Steve Cooke of the School of Natural and Social Sciences, Purchase College-SUNY. Steve has visited us every summer since 2016 to coincide with our annual trip to ISMS!
  • We have a standing collaboration with Prof. Galen Sedo of the University of Virginia College at Wise who did a sabbatical with us in the Fall of 2016. Along with joining the MWMC, we are working on projects involving terpenes and chirality together.
  • Dr. Lindsay ZackWe have recently started a collaboration with Prof. Lindsay Zack of Austin College in Sherman, TX. Prof. Zack visited us calculating precisely the potential energy surfaces of small molecules. His contributions are very helpful in determining the electronic states of heavy metal atom-containing molecules like lanthanides and actinides.
  • We have a standing collaboration with Prof. Steve Cooke of the School of Natural and Social Sciences, Purchase College-SUNY. Steve is to visit us in the summer of 2016 before the 71st ISMS!