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The following is some general information pertaining to some of the various local, state, and national caving-type organizations:

MSM Spelunkers

The Missouri School of Mines Spelunkers is the oldest organized caving club in the state of Missouri. The MSM Spelunkers Club has been promoting safe caving since the 1930's. The purposes of the Spelunkers Club is to (1) bring people together who have interests in the exploration, geology, surveying, photography, etc. of caves and cave life; (2) promote and teach safe caving and rope-work techniques; and (3) inform people of the importance and need of cave conservation and preservation. Can write to: MSM Spelunkers, c/o Geology and Geophysics Department, 125 McNutt Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401. Meetings are held @ 7:00 pm each Wednesday during the school year in McNutt 204 on the campus, and during the summer months, every other Wednesday. You can also email the grotto at:

Missouri Speleological Survey

The MSS is a state-wide organization comprised of affiliated grottos and independent members. Currently, there are about twelve affiliated caving clubs in Missouri and Illinois. The MSS coordinates the efforts of the members and encourages constructive activities such as research projects and surveying. The MSS also serves as a repository for all of the cave-related data that has been gathered by its members.The intention of the MSS is to: Locate, Record, Explore, Conserve, and Study Missouri's Caves. Publications include monthly Liaison and the annual Speleology. For further info: Missouri Speleological Survey c/o Alberta and Gary Zumwalt, Route 1, Lohman, MO 65053. Meetings are held three times a year in Rolla.


The intention of the NSS is to work for the preservation and the exploration of caves by encouraging self-discipline among cavers, by education and research, and by informing members of new and better techniques and equipment. The NSS is com-prised of grottos, sections, regions, and individual members. Publishes the NSS News (monthly) and the NSS Bulletin (annual). Write to: National Speleological Society, Cave Avenue, Huntsville, AL 35810. Send email to:

Mississippi Valley Ozark Region

The MVOR, one of the 15 regions of the NSS, is a geographical association of cavers designed for fellowship and caving. Of lose boundaries & structure, the MVOR consists of all or parts of eight states. Two meetings are held a year, a Spring MVOR and a Fall MVOR, that is usually hosted by one or more of the many grottos within the region. Cavers without NSS affiliation may also belong to the MVOR.

Missouri Cave & Karst Conservancy

The MCKC is a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to own and manage caves and karst features for the MSS. Other MCKC missions are: to ensure that the caving community continues to have access to caves which might otherwise become closed to caving because of landowner or liability concerns; to foster a sence of resource stewardship within the Missouri caving community; to encourage the preservation of all high-value caves within the state; to promote good communications between the Missouri caving community and the public and private cave owners; to provide individual cavers with opportunities to learn about and participate in cave management activities; to be always ready and willing to lend cave owners a helping hand in the management of their caves; and to fully support what is best for the cave and karst resources of Missouri. The MCKC, which is governed by a Board of Directors, publishes quarterly the MCKC DIGEST. Write to: MCKC, c/o Don Toole, Route 1, Box 158F, Climax Springs, MO 65324

American Cave Conservation Association

The ACCA is a national non-profit organization founded for the purpose of protecting and preserving caves, karstlands, and groundwater. They are working on a number of important programs: (1) a national clearing house to bring information about cave and karst resources together; (2) educational development and training programs focused on creating a broad public awareness of cave and karst resources; and (3) provide funding and support for cave and karst research, management, and laws. For more info: ACCA, Main and Cave Streets, PO Box 409, Horse Cave, KY 42749.


The BCI supports the education of people into the research and the conservation of bats, many of which are threatened and endangered. The BCI encourages people to understand and respect bats, and to help preserve their habitat, rather than mistakenly fearing and harming them and their environment. Write to: BCI, PO Box 162603, Austin, TX 78716-2603.