The red ones in the list are required
to attend this week's Math 15 Learning Center:
4ACC7, 4E98B, 4AD2A, 4ADD5, 4AC9E, 4ADF6, 4D07C, 46195, 4ADAB, 4AD1C.
We recommend the purple ones in the list
attend this week's Math 15 Learning Center:
4D2BB, 4ACA9, 4AE01, 4ACA7, 4AD2E, 4EA5D, 4D370, 4EA4E, 462D4, 4ACFF, 4EA7F, 4ACCB, 4E9D0, 4E9F1, 4D2C8, 4EA84, 4D378, 4AD9F, 4AD73, 4E9A0, 4AD82, 4ADF0, 4D0B3, 4AD9E, 4ACA3, 4ADD9, 4D145.
The green ones in the list
are welcome to attend this week's Math 15 Learning Center!
(Extra help, get ready for exams, fun, ...)
Information on Exam 1.
Exam 1: Th, 1/26, 5-5:50 pm, McNutt-204 Review: Tu, 1/24, 7-9 pm, Schrenk-G3
Information on Exam 2. Here are the formulas that will be supplied.
Exam 2: Th, 2/16, 5-5:50 pm, McNutt-204 Review: Tu, 2/14, 7-9 pm, Schrenk-G3
Midterm grades were entered on March 7, 2006 into JoeSS
Information on Exam 3.
Here is a table for series
(this table has to be memorized - it will not be supplied). Exam 3: Th, 3/23, 5-5:50 pm, McNutt-204 Review: Tu, 3/21, 7-9 pm, Schrenk-G3
Information on Exam 4. Exam 4: Th, 4/27, 5-5:50 pm, McNutt-204 Review: Tu, 4/25, 7-9 pm, Schrenk-G3