
Publications related to this project include:

·        D. Beetner and H. Pottinger, “Laboratories Introducing Embedded Systems, Hardware-Software Co-Design, and Computer Organization,” 38th ASEE Midwest Section Conference and Workshop, Sept. 10-12, 2003.

·        L. Verma, H. J. Pottinger, and D. G. Beetner, "A Software Debugger Interface for an 8051 Hardware Model," 2003 Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education, June 2003.

·        L. Verma, D. Beetner, H. Pottinger, “A Tcl/Tk Debugging Interface for a VHDL 8051 Microcontroller Model,” Mentor Graphics Users Group, 2003.

·        L. Verma, Development of Educational Materials Teaching Hardware-Software Co-Design: Laboratories and A Debugger Interface for an 8051 VHDL Model, Masters thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2003.

·        D. Sullins, H. Pottinger, D. Beetner, "The WIMP51: A Simple Processor and Visualization Tool to Introduce Undergraduates to Computer Organization," Computers in Education Journal, vol. 13, pp 17-23, Jan. 2003.

·         V. Eller, D. Beetner, J. White, H. Pottinger, "Development and Delivery of a Web-Based Seminar," ASEE 2002.

·        D. Sullins, D. Beetner, H. Pottinger, "Development of a Simple Processor and Simulator for Use in Undergraduate Coursework," Proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education - EWME 2002.


·        D. Sullins, Design of an 8051 Compatible Processor and Simulator for use in Undergraduate Coursework, Masters thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2002.

·        D. Sullins and H. Pottinger, "Animation of a VHDL Model in Modelsim Using Tcl/Tk," Proceedings of the 18th Annual Mentor Graphics Users Group, October 1-3, 2002, Denver Colorado.

·        D.G. Beetner and H.J. Pottinger, “An Assessment of Laboratories and Materials Teaching Hardware-Software Co-Design,” 2001 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2001.

·        D.G. Beetner, H.J. Pottinger, and K. Mitchel, “Laboratories Teaching Concepts in Microcontrollers and Hardware-Software Co-Design,” 30th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, pp. S1C/1–5, 2000.

·        M. Gemini, Software Testing Methodologies Applied to Verification of a VHDL Model of the 8051 Microcontroller, Masters thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, 2000.

·        M. Gemini and A. Miller, "Software Testing Methodologies applied to VHDL Verification," ISSRE 2000, The Eleventh International Symposium on Software Reliability, Oct. 8-11, 2000.

·        H.J. Pottinger and D.G. Beetner, "Hardware-software Co-verification in an Undergraduate Laboratory," Proceedings 1999 IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education, pp. 41-42, 1999.


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