
Getting great grades, graduating from Missouri S&T, and landing a good job are our main goals as students. 

Transitioning from high school to college can be challenging. We help our new members achieve academic success in a number of ways.



Attending all classes

We share our class schedules so that we can carpool, know who is on campus, and remind each other that it's time to for class.


Reporting test grades

Every new member will meet with the Scholarship Chair each week to go over how they are doing in classes and reporting their test grades. If we notice a member isn't doing as well as they could, we work closer to make sure they get the resources and guidance that they need. 


Attending study hours during the week

New members have mandatory study hours during the week to make sure there is dedicated time to get work done. If you finish your work early, no worries. But we want to make sure you have a quiet place to be able to work Monday through Friday.


Attending help sessions on campus as needed

Our Scholarship Chair lets the house know when there are review session for common classes, can reserve quiet rooms in the Library, and can help schedule appointments for members to get tutoring at the Student Success Center.


Major-specific mentoring

One of the best parts about being in a fraternity is that you become friends with guys that are older than you too. Older members help younger members in the same major by helping with homework questions, providing test examples from previous years, and giving guidance on the right classes to take.


Awards and Rewards

Any member who achieves a 3.0 or higher in a semester gets a fancy steak dinner cooked for them by our cook.

Alumni Scholarship

Our alumni award one active member each semester with a $500 scholarship based on their academic performance with consideration to their leadership achievements as well. Alumni Association has awarded up to 3 scholarships in a semester up to $1000.

Next, learn about Philanthropy

We put on several events each semester to raise money specifically for the Special Olympics of Missouri.

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