Architectural Analysis

Organizational Layout
Proportion and Scale
Ordering Principles

Engineering Analysis


Norwood Hall


Welcome to the first UMR Architectural Engineering building analysis project. The assignment was to complete an analysis, presentation, and critical evaluation of an existing buiding. The chosen building, Norwood Hall, was a fascinating structure to research due to its attractive design and history as one of the first buildings on campus. Built in 1902-1903 as a multipurpose facility, it has undergone multiple renovations since. However, it still contains mostly offices and some classrooms and laboratories, so it serves much the same purpose today.

The concepts of building analysis are shown as they relate both architectural and engineering qualities. The architectural analysis covers the history of the building, building use today, and elements such as the organizational layout, circulation, proportion and scale, and ordering principles. The Engineering Analysis forms a general overview of each of the major systems in the building, such as HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and emergency systems, and the method of construction. All this research can be accessed by the links to the left of the page.


ArchE 203 FS2002